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(Outfit up above)

My head is pounding when I roll out of bed the next morning. Binx opens one eye to look at me before rolling over and go back to sleep. Looking around I realize I'm in the guest room, "When did I get here?" I get up to go find Kairo. As I pass the mirror in the hallway I catch a glimpse of myself and I look horrible. He can wait go take a shower girl.. my brain shouts at me so I turn around and go back into the guest room.

The cold water from the shower wake me right up, I wash my hair and then myself before jumping out. My brain replaying memories from last night, Jorge on top of the bar singing 22 by Taylor Swift, Chacha and I tipsy in the car ride because Kairo kept serving us wine. Last night was the most fun I've had since I was a teenager. I throw on a navy blue valor lounge set before I brush my teeth. Once I'm done I decide on letting my hair air dry, being natural is such a hassle.

The moment I open the bedroom door Binx runs out the door to explore the apartment. The kitchen is a mess right along with the living room. I head down the other hallway and knock on Kai's door, there's no answer so I stick my head inside only for the bed to be turned away from the door. "Stupid rotating.." I stop short when I see he's not in his bed. "Kairo?" He exits from the bathroom right on que. "Good morning panemorfi." The words rolling off his tongue so effortlessly. He walks to his closet and grabs a suitcase before swinging it onto the bed. "You're leaving?" He doesn't look at me as he explains that he's going away on business. "For how long?" I realize I sound a bit attached but can he blame me? We've spent every night together for the last week and a half.

"Two weeks love." That's a long time, what about James? As if he could read my mind, Kairo turns to me and wraps me in his arms. "I promise I'll be back before you know it, just as a precaution though I did get you security." A sound that sounds like a snort escapes my mouth and he raises an eyebrow at me. "Seriously? Do they wear suits or do they dress normal?" A deep genuine laugh escapes his throat before he realizes I'm serious. "Regular clothes Bell. I'm not the president, the guys in the suits were more expensive." He jokes back and I give him a slight shove.

"Talk to me while I pack yea?" I nod and then climb onto his bed to get comfy. His pillow flooding my senses with the smell of him. "So where are you going anyway?" The rustling from the closet only adds to my paranoia. "The Amazon. I didn't even know the company that's out there knew who or what my company was about." He folds the forest green suit before placing it inside the bag. "You know I've grown to love that suit." He looks down at it with a smile, "Then it shall be my favorite from here on out." For some reason this man always has me smiling like an idiotic school girl. "What is it you do exactly anyway? I never asked." His eyes land on me and they travel down my body so slowly. "I'm a economics trader." I've never thought of the people who do those jobs, they must be so bored. "It's a lot more fun than you'd think."

"Did I say that aloud?" He nods before disappearing back into the closet. "How will I get to work when your gone?" I probably sound like a wuss but I don't car. "Would you like me to buy you a car love? Or you can ride with Damion and Charlie." My nose scrunches at his offer, I wish he didn't have to go but there's money to be made.

The doorbell goes off and I frown. "Come on beautiful, time to meet your new best friends for two weeks." Kai lifts me off the bed and carries me to the door over his shoulder. He lets the two people inside before setting me down on the counter. "Hello boys." The pair snort before the shorter one takes off his.. well should I say her hat. "Charlie is a girl sir." Kairo clears his throat before apologizing to the woman. "It's fine sir." She's actually really pretty, she has long green hair and bright blue eyes. "This is Bella. I'm leaving her in your care for the next two weeks. This is the man I need you to keep an eye out for." He slides a picture of James across the counter and Damion picks it up. "Understood." Kai frowns as he looks from me to them. "How about we try a little less formal. We're all friends around here." He helps me off the counter and tells Charlie to join me in the guest room.

"So is he your boyfriend?" Her professional attitude gone, the girly side making an appearance. "Not exactly. I'm not even sure what we're doing honestly.." she frowns. "What do you mean?" I tell her about the whole situation and wait for her to respond. "Yea I guess that is a little complicated." She laughs making me feel much more comfortable. "How long have you and Damion been working together?" I take a seat at the foot of my bed and pat the spot next to me. "He's my brother." My eye brows shoot up, that's a surprise. "How did you two manage that? Don't they usually separate siblings for jobs like these?" Charlie nods as she makes herself comfortable. "Damion and I aren't your average siblings, we were bred for this life. Our father was a CIA member before he died. He wanted us to have the best future possible so he hired a "teacher" if you want to give him a title." It makes me sad listening to her story, her father sounded like a great man.

The door opens revealing Kai and Damion standing in the hall. "They'll be running around the building if you need them okay? I have to be at the airport in a hour. Chacha and Jorge can come over if you'd like." He kisses my forehead before cupping my face and making me look at him. "I'll be back, I promise." His lips find mine and we share a emotion filled kiss. What is happening between us? He pulls away and rests his chin on my head. "Okay I'll see you in two weeks." He let's go of me and exits the apartment with Damion and Charlie.

It's so quite inside as I walk around. I go into his room and a smile covers my face as I notice he left me his favorite black button up. My phone goes off in my back pocket so I reach for it as I bring his shirt up to my nose.
Kai🤍: Hope you enjoy my little gift. Stay out of trouble😋
His gesture sweet so I make sure to set a reminder to take some pictures for him later. We act so much like a couple I could see why everyone keeps asking that.

Does he even look at me like that? No he's being nice, but the kisses and the amazing sex on the couch. Just the thought of it has my panties soaked. What are we doing?

A two week trip? That's too long! What do you think is happening between the pair? Will they end up together?

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