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(Victoria's pov)

Kairo says nothing as he and Jason rise from the floor, my father still trying to talk his way out of the situation. "Jason you can turn yourself in with no bullet wounds or broken bones, or I kill you both and end up on the worlds most wanted list." I look at Kairo who looks like an absolutely different person right now, his usually happy and relaxed face is set in a scowl as he looks at me. It was strange seeing him like that, it made me feel... guilty? But why?

"Fuck Victoria stop waiting time already and just put a damn bullet in his head." My dad shouts at me and I turn the gun to my instructor who proudly kneels on the ground. "I already know how this is going to go, just finish it already." He stares me down, waiting for me to pull the trigger. That pisses me off so bad so I stalk over to him and punch him in the shoulder. "What the hell? You aren't even going to reason with me?!" He continues to look at me with out saying a word. It's only then that I realize it's disappointment that covered his face.

"I believed in you when everyone told me not to Victoria. I'm not upset just bummed." He finally says to me. Jason groans in annoyance from behind me. "If you aren't going to do it allow me to." His foot his the ground and then a loud bang echos in the room. I hear a thud and it's only then do I drop my arm, I allow the gun to slip from my hand as Kairo rises to his feet. "Vic are you okay?" His voice gentle as he reaches for me. I throw myself into his arms and allow myself to break down. "Hey kiddo it's okay." He runs his large hands over my head before letting go of me to grab the gun off the floor. "Let's get out of here, I'll call forensics." I nod and follow him out of the building.

Lanei is leaning against the hood of our SUV with her arms crossed. A wide smile spreads across her face when she sees us. What shocks me the most though is when she runs up to me and jumps into my arms. She kisses me passionately before dropping to the ground with a shy smile. "I'm glad you're okay." I look up at the car and realize that Carter is no where in sight. "He was bused to the hospital. He's okay though." Lanei reads my mind and I smile down at her. "Thank you."

(Kairos pov)

Damien meets us at the hospital and while he's livid he remains in character. "You mean to tell me that girl over there.." he points at Victoria who's sitting in the corner with Lanei, a large smile on her face. "Shot him in the head with her back to him?" His eyes wide as he looks at me. I chuckle quietly while I nod my head. "It was amazing." She looks over at us and waves before returning to her conversation. "Well what do you think? Should we promote her now?" I raise my eyebrows but I don't have any time to say anything before the doctor calls us back to Carter's room.

"Hey dad. Hey guys!" His smile making the grey room seem bright. "How you feeling kid?" Damien walks over to him and grabs his hand. Carter shrugs with a smirk, "I've been better." The side of his head has a visible lump that is the size of a golf ball. He also has a black eye but other than that he's okay. "Okay everyone, Carter here has a mild concussion and I recommend that he be on bed rest for at least 2-3 weeks just to be safe. He got thumped pretty hard and that bump is a pretty decent size." Carter laughs. "He got me with golf club." Victoria laughs as he looks over at her. The two of them share a moment before she steps back and let's Lanei see him.

The doctor pulls Damien to the side and says something else to him before leaving the room. He walks back over to us and stands behind me, he speaks so only I can hear him. "Jason blew a blood vessel in Carter's eye, he thinks I should pull him off active duty for a while." Shaking my head I sigh and look back at Carter, he's listening to the two girls as they talk his ears off, a wide smile on his face. "Let's wait to tell him yea?" I turn to Damian to gage his reaction and I catch him nodding. "Yea okay, let's wait."

On the ride over to Bellas I keep thinking about what Damian said to me before I left the hospital. "She needs someone to look out for her or we'll have to drop her from our program." I turn my head to look at him and he shrugs. "Think about it." He walks away from and I walk out the doors of the hospital. It's so crazy how life plays out, things can go from great to fucked up in a matter of seconds.

When I pull into the driveway I see three cars there instead of one and I wonder what the occasion is. I grab the two charms from my glove department and make my way inside the house. I hear music and loud laughter coming from the kitchen so that's the direction I go in. When I get there I see Chacha, Charlie, Jorge & Bella crowded around the countertop. "What's going on guys?" Eight pairs of eyes land on me before they erupt in cheers.
They all crowd around me and wrap me in a hug. "You survived bro!" Charlie pats my shoulder with a smile and I cock my eyebrow at her. "What do you mean?"

Bella looks up at me while rolling her eyes. "You made it home safe just like you promised." She stands on her tiptoes and cups the sides of my face with her small hands. Her lips brush against mine, teasing me, before she finally gives me a real kiss. "Let's get this party started!" Jorge yells as he runs over to the fridge but I stop him. "Hold up not just yet. I have something I want to ask Bella." Chacha and Charlie share a look with eachother before stepping back giving us some space.

"Bella, I know things haven't been perfect between us all the time and we almost lost eachother a little while ago but I just want to say, A dogs paw print. It means guidance, protection and loyalty." I present her with the bracelet and the paw charm before dropping down to one knee. "The dolphin is for kindness and communication. These two charms mean I'm  willing to do whatever it takes. Do you understand? I want to grow with you and I want to be the person you want for the rest of your life." I give her the dolphin charm and she begins to cry.

I stand and wipe her tears, worry filling my body. "Bella what's the matter?" She looks up at me for a few seconds before swatting at my chest. "You idiotic man! I thought you were asking me to marry you." She breaks into a grin before slipping the bracelet on to her wrist. Wrapping my arms around her waist I pull her closer to me, "Not yet my love." She leans her forehead against my lips and I place a gentle kiss there. "I understand." She kisses me passionately earring us a few "awws" from our audience. "Now can we get this party started?" Jorge asks from behind me. "Let's do this!"

Okay you guys, this is the end of the book and I'm so grateful that you've read all the way to the end! This was originally supposed to be a quick story but things change lol.

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