Patty cakes

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Patrick's POV

I was sitting at my desk. Hands busy writing away. When I'm bored I write songs that will never use. I start to get hungry so I head towards the kitchen.

I see Pete there looking down at something. "Hey Patty cakes." He says with a smile. "You know I hate that nickname so much." I say grumpily. "I know that's the whole point Patty cakes." He says with a grin. I roll my eyes and grab an apple from the fridge. "What have you been doing Patty cakes?" He asks his eyebrows raised.

I take a bite of my apple and start to chew on it, after I swallow I reply with "writing." Taking another bite of my apple. Pete grabs the apple out of my hand and takes a huge bite and gives it back. "Heeeey!!!!" I say annoyed. "Thanks Patty cakes." He replies smiling. I roll my eyes again and go to the couch. I eat my apple quickly so Pete can't munch on it again.

Pete walks towards me. I throw my apple into the garage can. "Nice throw Patty cakes. Anywho, what's for dinner?" Pete asks sitting down next to me. "We should go out to eat. We haven't in a while." I reply. "Great idea Patty cakes." He says pecking me on the lips.

A few hours later we are in the restaurant. "What do you wanna drink Patty cakes?" He asks me. "A coke or Pepsi will be fine." We get out drinks and food and start to eat.

"Patty cakes?" Pete says. "Stop calling me that! We are in a public area!" I whisper yell. He giggles. "Patty cakes! Patty cakes! Patty cakes!" He mocks. "Shut up! You are acting like a child!" I yell.

People start to stare at us and I cover my face in embrassment. Pete giggles. "Shhh!" I say. He grabs my hand and leads me out of the restaurant. He brings me to an alley near by. "If you are trying to kill me can't you be smart about it?" I tease.

He pushes my back against the wall and starts to kiss me. I pull away panting. "This is to risky what if a fan sees us or something?" I say shaking Pete.

Pete rolls his eyes. "Then they can watch the show Patty cakes." Pete says with a smile.

Few days later

The tour bus smelled of odor and sweat. "Everyone ready?" Andy asks. "Yeah." We all reply. We go out on the stage. We play a few songs. "Just wanna say thank you to everyone whose here!" Pete says.

Pete comes near me coming close to my ear. "Are you enjoying the show Patty cakes?" He whispers. I shudder at his voice. I look towards him and nod.

"YOU HEAR THAT? PATTY CAKES IS ENJOYING THE SHOW!" Pete yells. I cover my face and blush hard. Everyone cheers and Andy and Joe look at us confused.

I whisper yell at him. "Pete!! What the hell? You dick!" He just smiles. "DICK?" He shouts. The crowd goes wild. "You motherf-" I begin but he interrupts me "I LOVE YOU PATTY CAKES!"

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