You Look So Pretty, But You're Gone So Soon

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Everybody dies.

Everybody knows that.

It's just life.

But he figured it out. He figured out how to live forever. People think it's the best thing ever. To not die.

It fucking sucks.

Billions and billions of years since the infamous Pete Wentz has died.

Some people think he was the first person to walk this Earth. Other think he's a scientist who figured out how to live forever.

Nobody knows for sure and he will never say.

To Pete it's bad.

People he knows die all the time and he cannot join them.

Like Patirck.

Patrick is his boyfriend. He loves him so much and Pete wouldn't trade the world for him.

But like everybody else he will die. Pete knows this and he wants to stop it, but Patrick is sick. Really really sick.

Pete fears for his life. So he wants to make sure every second they spend together lasts.



Pete blinks as Patrick appears in the doorway. He seems so fragile, so skinny. Pete hates it. Reminds him that there time together is limited.

"Yes, Sweetheart?"

Patrick nears Pete. He points to his lap and Pete smiles. "You want to sit?" He asks.

Patrick nods.

"Go ahead, cutie pie."

Patrick sits. Pete stares at him. He's so beautiful to him. Patrick bites his lip and begins to cough.

A dry horsed cough that makes Pete cringe. He continues unable to control it. He finally stops and Pete frowns.

"Are you alright, Tricky?" He asks.

Patrick nods sheepishly and shoves his face into Pete's chest. "M sorry." He mumbles.

Pete pulls his face up. "Why?"

"I didn't mean to get sick like this, I don't know what's wrong." Patrick whispers.

Pete's heart shatters. "Baby, this is not your fault. You didn't cause this. Don't blame yourself. Let's enjoy the time we have together, please?"

Patrick smiles warmly and nods. "M love you."

Pete smiles too. "I love you more."


Tears fall from Pete's eyes.

When he came back from work Patrick was on the floor coughing up blood. By the time the ambulance got there Patrick was pale and blood spewed from his mouth.

Now Pete's at a hospital waiting for anything. Any sign that Patrick is okay. Pete knows he's not going to be. It's been too long since they found out that he was sick.

When a doctor comes out of the room Patrick is in Pete immediately stands. She looks at him, before opening her mouth. She hesitates before shaking her head.

"I'm sorry for your loss."

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