
38 3 7

mania era

Pete rolls up his sleeves and cracks his neck before resting his hands on his keyboard. He bites his lip reading the essay over again before sighing. He pushes his head down on his desk and let's put a long groan.

"You okay?"

Pete lifts his head and smiles at his boyfriend. "M fine darling." He says watching Patrick place a mug in front of him.

"I made tea." Patrick smiles sweetly.

"Aw, thank you baby." Pete takes a swig before sighing again.

"You okay?" Patrick asks pulling a chair next to Pete. Pete chuckles dryly. "Work." He responds.

Patrick pushes the chair closer to Pete's. He reads the essay one of Pete's coworkers wrote to him. After a few minutes Patrick laughs.

"How long has she been hitting on you?" He asks through giggles.

"What do you mean?" Pete furrows his eyebrows.

"Maybe one day this week we can go out for dinner and you can tell me what's wrong with the way I work." Patrick recited the email.

Pete laughs too. "Yeah that would be Jess. She tends to flirt with every male she sees." He smiles.

"She doesn't know you are gay?"

"I mean- I don't tell people about my personal life- so no."

Patrick rolls his eyes. "Bring me to the office I wanna meet everyone."

"You hate people!"

"Yeah, but-"

Pete erupts into laughter. "Are you jealous?" He chokes through tears.

"No!" Patrick pouts.

"You so are! That's so cute!" Pete smiles.

"Shut up." Patrick mutters.

"What should I say back to Jess." Pete smirks.

"Something along the lines of 'I would love to tell you all the mistakes you make but I have a date with my very magnificent boyfriend" Patrick smiles cheekily.

Pete chuckles. "I'll make it more professional."

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