Day 22

40 4 3

Gruffy beard Patrick and blonde Pete

Pete watches the small boy plant the seed down into the dirt. He stares, it's probably creepy, but Pete can't look away.

Finally Patrick pops up and plops by Pete on the small green bench. "How long are they gonna take to grow." The blonde asks.

"Depends." Patrick says clicking his pen. "On how much rain we get and the sun too."

Pete nods and looks down. "Wanna go inside." Patrick asks.

"It's nice out. Let's stay outside."

"Good idea."

They both sit there. It's not awkward or anything. It never awkward. Patrick leans his head against Pete's shoulder.

Pete smiles and places his hand on his thigh. They sit like that, staring off into the distance before Patrick places a kiss on Pete's cheek.

They make out as Pete lifts Patrick into his lap. Patrick's beard rubs against Pete's face and he has to break away to laugh.

Patrick frowns. "What's so funny." He pouts.

"It's nothing."

"Has to be something that you would ruin that moment to laugh."

Pete continues to laugh and Patrick rolls his eyes.

"I'm going to plant more tomato seeds you dork."

Had no idea what I was doing but I think I might make a smut chapter dedicated to Patrick's gruffy beard and blonde Pete. I really don't know why I want to but I do.

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