Day 5

41 1 5

Scar Worship
IOH era

Patrick frowns at the scars. He hates it. Think it's ugly. Reminds him he's not a real man. Not born a boy.

Tears run down his cheeks as he cries softly into the blanket. He hears the door open and close and immediately pulls the blanket over himself.

"Hey, baby." Pete smiles. He frowns.

"Hey, hey what's wrong." He takes off his shoes and climbs onto the bed.


"Why were you crying baby."

Patrick sobs. "My top surgery scars."

"No no no." Pete goes under the blanket.

Patrick can feel kisses on his stomach. He giggles as Pete licks.

"P-Pete stop this is weird." He whimpers.

Pete doesn't stop he starts biting. He moves up to Patrick's surgery scars. He kisses them slowly rubbing Patrick's hip.


Pete moves to the other scar kissing it gently. "There is nothing to be ashamed of." He says tracing patterns into Patrick's stomach. "These scars mean you got through some shit like any other scars."

A few more kisses.

"I'm so proud of you for that. You are the best boyfriend I could ever ask for. You are so brave and courageous for everything you have done. "


"I'm not finished." The fact that you came out to me even me is so fucking brave of you. The fact that you are openly out is even more brave. You are so fucking brave and I love you so much."


"That's it I'm finished with my rant."

"Marry me."


"Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz, please marry me."

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