
102 3 5

AB/AP era
Pete's POV
Frerard, Rikey, Ryden, trohley

Finally class was over. I pick up my back pack and run out of the room.

"Woah chill Peter." Brendon giggles running up to me. I roll my eyes. "Shut up you know that Mr. Armstrong talks our ears off. I don't even think he was talking about the Holocaust." Brendon laughs out loud.

"Alright alright you gotta point. Where's Frank and Gee?" Brendon asks opening his locker and stuffing things in it. "You think I know? I'm guessing making out or something."

Brendon nods and closes his locker. "They're gonna miss us." Brendon smiles. I nod. "What about Gee's little brother? He seems cool." Brendon suggests. "Who? Mikey? Oh yeah, he's totally cool!"

Me and they Way brothers have knew each other all our lives basically. I met Gerard when he was five and Mikey when he was two.

I get to the lunch room and sit down. I start talking about soccer practice after school.

"I'm sorry I'm so late!" Ryan shuffles in. Brendon smiles and nods to the seat next to him. Ryan takes a seat without hesitation.

"I'ma leave you to lovebirds alone since I finished my lunch. If you happen to Gee or Mikey tell them to come over to my place later." I giggle grabbing my backpack and heading outside.

The real reason I wanted to leave is cause I had to take a leak I've been holding in since first period. I shuffle to the bathroom.

All of a sudden a small figure comes at me running through the halls. "HEY HEY WAIT!" I shout. They run into both of us landing on our asses. I grumble holding my head up to look at the person.

God damn. He's so fucking gorgeous.

He has combat boots that are black, tight skinny jeans, a white t-shirt with a black cardigan. Pretty baby blue eyes with thick glasses covering them. Strawberry blonde hair half covered by a black fedora. Holy shit.

"Ah! Uhm...I'm r-really so-orry!" The boy yelps. His voice sounds pretty to. He chokes out more stuttered apologies. "Hey hey. It's alright." I get up to help him. I reach for his hand, he grabs it softly. His hands are fucking so soft and warm. What the fuck? How in the hell is this guy so perfect?

"I'm so sorry again!" He says wobbly on his legs. "Hey no worries man." I soothe. He looks down and mutters a small "holy smokes." Before looking back up at me. His eyes twinkle. He pushes his hair back and looks back.

"Oh uh, my name is Pete." I smile. He looks up and studies my face again. "I-i'm Pat-patrick." He nods nervously. "See you around?" I say. He nods again and runs off.

Holy fucking shit that guy must be an angel.

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