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Based on the photo above. Also can we appreciate Pete's smile for a moment?

"Patrick! Patrick!" Pete bubbly walked over to the strawberry blonde. Patrick looked over and smiled once he saw Pete with a phone in his hand.

Pete snapped and picture and looked at it. "Aw! Look!" He pointed. Patrick smiled. "You have a really nice smiled Pete." He said in almost a whisper.

"Not as nice as yours!" Pete said placing a small kiss to Patrick's nose. Patrick laughed and Pete put his phone away.


"Hey Patrick. Come here." Patrick walked over to the blonde and looked over his shoulder. He saw a picture from what seemed to be around 2006 or 2007.

"Wow." He muttered observing the photos contents. "You have a nice smile." He added patting Pete on the head.

Pete smiled and looked back at the picture. He decided to print it out and keep it on a corner of his desk so when he looked he would always see it.

See him and  Patrick.

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