Chapter 1- Introduction

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Do you think we are perfect because we are popular, beautiful, skinny, joining in a chearleading squad, the person who jocks wants but, we are not. We may be beautiful but, we are mean, being a bitch to people because we are on top.

If we are on top, do we have to do those things?

Who will regret it?


I'm Lea Schuester, I'm 17 and a Junior.

I'm the head of a cheerleading squad and my ruthless coach is Sue, I'm the only one who survived from Sue, because I'm ruthless too.

They said, I'm the most popular girl in McKinley and they all adore me, I'm fine with it. I don't greet nor talk to people, especially if they are not the type of a person I like  including girls. I'm always in a classroom studying to keep up my grades, I'm NOT a nerd-like girl but, studying is just my thing and I could be successful someday. Popular girls are always busy, that's why I'm keeping myself busy by studying and I'm proud to say that my scores are all A.

I'm only a short girl but, I have tall and huge dreams, I'm ambission but, sometimes I don't take it seriously. I want to be in Broadway and a Broadway Star like my mom Emma Schuester, she's in New York.

My father is a businessman, that's why we are rich and our house is a Mansion. My parents don't stay with me in Lima. I have a brother his name is Darren and he is a Senior. I also have a sister named Dianna, we have the same age and we are a Fraternal twin, she has a blond hair but, she just dyed it.

Quinn and I have a best friend since we were Freshmen, a latina black-haired girl named Naya Rivera, her dad is a dentist and her mom works somewhere which I don't have any idea. People find her mean and self-centered bitch but, if you are close to her, you could tell  it's the other way around.

If you guys wondering if I'm dating someone, well no, I'm not. I know it's sort of lame that I don't but, that isn't really not my thing, I don't have any time for that crap but, my brother keeps on bothering me to go out with this Cory kid, he is a Junior, we sit next to each other and we have all the same classes it kind of freaks me out... A bit.

"Come on, let's go in our class", Naya said dragging me going inside the classroom with Dianna.

When we went inside the classroom, I could see 6 students sitting on a random seat. They can't sit on my seat, I mean they're afraid to.

"Naya, it's little early", I said sitting on my seat.

Di and Naya just sat on random seat near me.

Di and Naya look to each other.

"We want to talk about people....", Naya said with a smile.

"Boys", Dianna said.

I looked away.

"Since we are best friends and like sisters already", Naya said.

"But, we are already sisters", Quinn said.

"Whatever", Santana said kidding around.

We chuckled, we know that Naya is just kidding around.

"So. Who do you have eye on?", Naya asked.

I looked around until I saw Cory going in with Darren?

Naya and Dianna notice me looking at someone then they turned around and see Cory.

"Oh. Frankensteen. Huh?", Naya said with flirty tone.

I blushed, "No", I said in a denial tone.

"I think he's cute", Dianna said.

"Dianna", I said nudging her.

"What", Dianna said about to laugh.

But, Darren and Cory went near at our seats.

Cory look at me first then I looked back, we made an eye contact and I got lost.

I got cut off of my thoughts when Cory greeted me.

"Hey Lea", Cory said with a half smile which made me melt.

"H-hi", I said looking at me.

Darren hugs me and kisses my head so as he did to Dianna.

Darren is a different guy in a good way, he's loving and caring BUT, NOT A GAY.

"How's your day?", Darren asked.

"It's fine as usual", I said simply avoiding an eye contact with Darren.

Cory's POV

I'm Cory Monteith, I'm 17 and a Junior.

I'm the quarterback of a football team since I was a Sophomore and I seem pretty good at it.

I have to admit, I like Lea and I have this feelings for her since our Sophomore years but, she doesn't notice me that well, all she does is study, practice and hanging out with her friends. I don't have any idea if Lea likes me back which made me sad. Tomorrow I'll go at Darren's house and Lea will be there which means, I will get to see her more.

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