(Chapter 2) In The Mansion

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♥*♡∞:。.。 I don't know why I did this 。.。:∞♡*


"Oh..." Theola paused for a while thinking of what else to tell Evelyn. "Miss Lyn I didn't want to tell you this but, even when you do or don't tell your mother. She might forbid you from meeting him."

"How long do I have to wait to meet him then?" Evelyn's expression grew sadder.

"It's not a matter of how long you wait." Theola tried to hide the uneasiness she felt. "It's just your mother...let's say had a disagreement with your father ever since."

Saying this never made Evelyn's long curiosity die down, it only sparked it brighter like a torched flame.

"What happened back then?"

"It's better to hear it from your mother than me Miss Lyn." Evelyn now wasn't sure if she should ask more before heading home.

'Was my father really that bad of a person? No they just had a small disagreement...They'll make up eventually." Evelyn thought as her home started to appear from view.

It was an old fashion countryside mansion. The outer old, gray bricked walls were decorated with flower and grape vines, the front yard had flower bushes that varied in kinds and colors plus it was huge enough to be a Pokemon battlefield, the gate was glittered with a silver color as it shined like diamonds, and before the doorway is a pathway of stones. This place used to be owned by a rich Dutchess during the olden times of Galar who also turns out to be an ancestor of Evelyn's.

Upon making their way to the door they were greeted by the mansion's groundskeeper welcoming them back.

"Miss Evelyn welcome home!" The elder man in a gardener's outfit greeted the little bubbly girl.

"Thank you Mister Wickersnap!" Evelyn said cheerfully as the old man smiled with wrinkles rising up from his face.

"Hey now what about me?" Theola said in a playfully hurt voice.

"Alright fine then..." A sweat dropped from the groundskeeper's head. "Welcome back Theola."

"Thanks groundskeeper!"

Theola continued entering the mansion chuckling a little. Evelyn chuckled a little bit too with how Theola played such a childish deed.

"Welcome home young Master Evelyn would you like me to take your bag?" A fair looking house maid said to Evelyn as she was taking off her shoes.

"Yes please her you go." Evelyn hands her bag to the maid who walks away with it to place it in a rack.

Theola checks her wrist watch and turns to Evelyn. "Miss Lyn why don't you change up before your mother finishes her work?"


After Evelyn left to change, Theola went ahead to meet her boss. Somewhere in the mansion is Heira's office where she usually does her meetings from home through calls, she owned some successful architectural design company, something about being associated with Chairman Rose. The building was located at Wyndon but it's a story to be told for another day.

With a light knock on the door, hoping not to interrupt Heira in her work, Theola was given permission to enter the room with a simple 'come in' from Heira.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything." Theola pardoned herself as she shut the door behind her.

"No not at all I just finished a video call with the Alolan Professor." The older woman promised Theola who felt a bit relieved to hear it. "He said that he wanted us to come meet him at his lab for Evelyn's vacation."

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