(Chapter 5) Now What?

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Years have passed, Evelyn has recently turned 11. The appropriate age to go on a thrilling Pokemon Adventure through the Galar Region!

Just think of all the exciting shenanigans and Pokemons you'll meet! But is Evelyn really up to this? Is she the same as she was before? Will she form a team of strong Pokemons? What development has she went through after the last battle with Seam? Let us find out ourselves.

It was summer time, making it a great opportunity for newly endorsed trainers to battle the League and train their Pokemons. Some of Evelyn's older classmates even participated, but as for her she has other plans.

"GAH! Why is it so hard to shoot specifically at an enemy!?" Evelyn screamed irritably as her thumbs subtly mashed against the controller's buttons.

She was playing a new videogame she just bought online. A lot of people recommended it to her saying it was the 'spitting image of a masterpiece'. They may say it that way but the controls are just out of place that you have a hard time in clearing a certain level. She might want to have a refund.

Popplio was playing with her too, somehow it was able to use the controllers.

"Ok Popplio I just freed you from Sir Eterlot's prison now grab the hidden item!"

"Pop!" Popplio moves its character to a chest outside the game's prison cell revealing a ridiculously gigantic sword.

"Finally the Thruster Sword!"Evelyn rejoices and takes a sip from her drink that was just laying beside her. (try to guess the reference)

"Ok now that we grinded enough and got all the good weapons we can finally beat the final boss! Ready Popplio?" Popplio nods and they both begin to enter a dark dungeon that had a long hallway.

Out of nowhere a giant menacing black knight came with a lancer on his hand. It was only the first phase of the boss and they lost half of their HP. The Thruster Sword indeed gave the Boss dramatic amount of damage to implement their for sure victory, if it wasn't for his annoying allies healing him. Another reason why they're near in defeat is because Evelyn forgot to buy more potions.

"Ah ok left up down down-" Evelyn was trying to summon a special attack but the Final Boss automatically charges at Evelyn without even giving her a chance to finish. Evelyn was down (well her character is).

"OH COME ON!" Evelyn exclaimed throwing her arms in the air dropping her controller. She turns to Popplio to see its character still standing. "Ok Popplio you're my only hope in defeating the boss which I prepared to fight for the past 2 weeks. Equip the Thruster Sword then press left up down...you know what just do whatever you want, I've invested too much in these game."

Popplio wasn't sure what to do to beat the Boss, but it sure wouldn't want to lose to it. Without a thought Popplio smashed the controller intensely and repeatedly, this miraculous act somehow defeated the Boss.

"W-what?" Evelyn was speechless but not surprised. "What's the use of memorizing all the combos when you can just button mash the Boss..."

Popplio too wasn't sure what just happened but it's sure it was a good thing. Either way they won.

"Popplio!" Popplio exclaimed happily and jumps into Evelyn's arms.

Evelyn chuckles and lightly rubs the back of Popplio's head. "Heh okay buddy good job, I guess I owe you one."

A knock was heard from Evelyn's bedroom door alerting them. Evelyn stands up with Popplio still in her arms and walks over to the door. Opening the door was Heira tapping on her phone with her left arm and papers tucked under her right arm. She was wearing her usual office outfit except without the coat.

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