(Chapter 14) To the Galar Mines Part 1

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After that remarkable opening, Evelyn and the gang all back to their usual clothes regrouped at the stadium's entrance. The experience was truly something for each one of them, though not as enthusiastic as people would normally be, Evelyn was excited to see what her journey could unfold. Lucy on the other hand was still shaken from the crowd's pressuring gazes that her hands still couldn't stop shaking.

"The jitters...they're neverending..." Lucy stammered as both Bea and Evelyn held her shaking arms to help her stand.

"There there deep breaths Lucy." Evelyn comforted her.

Lucy did rapid inhales and exhales until it would eventually make respiration become easy again. Her flimsy arms and body regained composure to allow her to stand upright again without help.

"Thanks guy what would I do-"


Pitching in from the mixed crowd Evelyn's ever merry mother Heira emerged and hugged her daughter tightly as she kissed her cheeks. Evelyn struggled to get off her mother's proud affection but Heira stayed grounded like prison bars.

"Mom get off me!" Evelyn yelled, still trying to escape.

Heira didn't do as she said and kept her arms lashed around Evelyn.

"Huh? I skipped work, waited in line for hours and this is what I got?"

"H-hey come on I'm not disregarding your effort to see me here..."

Theola finally caught up with Heira, somehow she was sweaty head to toe. How far did she have to run to reach Heira?

"Miss Heira please don't run off without me! Apologies Miss Lyn I'm sorry if she's been smothering you again..."

"Hmph..." Heira childishly pouted, her arms stopped hugging Evelyn to tuck themselves into a crossed position from her chest. "One day Theola when you have a daughter a million times beautiful as mine you'll understand."

Both Evelyn and Theola were flustered by Heira's bold statement. Theola waved her hands around to stop such a preposterous assumption that she'd gone that far in the future, she didn't even realize her face was redder than Evelyn's pink tinted cheeks.


Theola still crimson red covered her face with her hands. Poor Bea and Lucy were trapped in this crossfire between the three, they were helpless to only watch awkwardly until they were given a chance to do something.

"Sorry that call took so long." Mallie said emerging behind Bea and Lucy.

Mallie saw the slightly blushing Evelyn, the cross armed Heira, and Theola who was still covering her face. Context was hard to label regarding the situation.

"...could someone fill me in?"

"Oh hello there are you another friend of Evelyn's?" Heira asked the girl in front of her.

"I wouldn't say that, we're just acquaintances." Mallie answered while scratching her nape.

The need for an explanation left Mallie, not that the revelation would make her less confused anyway. Heira gives out an 'oh' shaped mouth and looks back at Evelyn who recovered before Theola could.

"Lyn will you be heading to Turrfield right away?" Heira asked Evelyn with her arms still crossed.

Evelyn wanted to stay at Motostoke to train but being early wouldn't hurt, she could still train along the way with the region having a vast variety of places with great training grounds.

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