(Chapter 4) Welcome Bea

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"The Max Raid Dens as you know can be found in the Wild Area outside of Motostoke. Minccino illustration please." The teacher said to their Minccino who obeyed and showed the students a big photo of stones formed in a circle. "By entering inside you can find a Dynamaxed Pokemon and have a Raid battle with other trainers, but how can you tell if a Pokemon is present inside? Can anyone tell me?"

None of the students bothered to answer and either pretended not to notice or looked away.

"Anyone? No? Ok then I'll pick randomly, How about you Seam?"

Seam froze in place from being called up.

"Huh oh um... maybe when you just have... the feeling in your gut... that...there is one in sight erm, present...? Then you'll now?" Seam stumbled at his words obviously not sure about what he's saying.

"That's a very honest answer Seam but it isn't exactly correct. Ok then, Evelyn could you give us another answer?"

Unlike her classmates, Evelyn got up from her seat and answered for everyone's sake.

"To tell if a Dynamaxed Pokemon is present is easy. You'll see a giant pillar of red light, it's when you'll know one is present. But if there isn't then there's no Dynamaxed Pokemon present." Evelyn said giving a more accurate answer. Seam laid his head on his seat's desk and mumbles to himself like he failed.

'I could've thought of that too. Feeling in your gut?! What was I thinking...'

"Very good Evelyn." The teacher smiles. "Now moving on-"

A knock on the door made an interruption. The teacher's attention was now turned to the knocking, she walked to the door and opened it.

"Hm? Yes?"

Another adult voice was heard outside the classroom, it sounded like one of the other homeroom teachers.

The conversation didn't take too long and the teacher came back.

"Sorry for the minor interruption class, we forgot to mention to you today about your new classmate." This made everyone in the classroom surprised.

"New classmate?" A random student asked curiously.

"Yes why don't we let her introduce herself? Bea sweetie you can come in now."

A short gray haired girl with a black and orange hair bow wearing the school's standard girl uniform came in. Her face looked a bit intimidating, maybe only to the kids here. She showed no emotion as she faces to see her new classmates.

"Bea why don't you introduce yourself and maybe tell them some things like your hobbies?" Bea shuts her eyes close like she was thinking of what to say and opened them to begin her introduction.

"My name is Bea I'm from Stow-on-Side. I practice the traditional arts of Galar karate and my goal is to become this region's Fighting type Gym leader and when I do I'm going to give it my all when the day finally comes. You all better believe it."

All the kids, except for Seam, were amazed at her introduction, even though it was quiet short it showed how her sheer determination in completing her one certain goal.

"Tch, that was some big talk from a small girl." Seam thought, not very impressed.

"Class please make sure to treat your new classmate nicely. Now Bea why don't you take the empty seat beside the window." Bea nods and takes a seat, coincidentally it was just beside Evelyn's

The teacher continued the discussion and had them answer an activity, Minccino helped contribute the activity papers to each student. The classroom was silent, only the soft sounds of pencil leads against paper could be heared. Bea, although she didn't have much of a hard time at the activity, wrote hard on the paper's surface at a fast pace causing her pencil to fall to her right. The pencil continued to roll until it touched Evelyn's foot causing her to notice the fallen pencil.

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