(Not A New Chapter: Updated/New Character Profiles)

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I've noticed I never made any more character profiles or bios. So that's what I'll be doing but please note that only important and semi important characters are only made and some who already have one will be updated with some minor details changed. I'm also adding more info such as skin colors, body types, and goals. You can go back to their old ones and see the difference you might find something interesting.

So author, why exactly did you make this instead of writing the Chapter? 

I like to info dump :)



Name: Evelyn

Age: 11

Eye Color: Amber Yellow

Hair Color: Cool Black

Hairstyle: Messy tied down pigtails

Likes: Tamato pasta, video games, cooking or baking, and Strawberry Sweets.

Dislikes: Rowdy kids, walking to far places, and small spaces.

Relatives: Heira (mother), and unnamed father

Home: Motostoke (she lives in an area not too far from the city)

Outfit for this and future chapters: Don't know how to describe it so here's a link to the pic: https://www.instagram.com/p/CT6wf6FphZX/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

Goal: To be remembered? Is it really?



Name: Seam (Full Name: Seam Jaques, not a surname, it's a name only his family members can call him)

Age: 11

Eye Color: Teal

Hair Color: Teal with aqua colored linings

Hairstyle: Neatly combed with one long fringe at the person's right

Skin Color: Light and a bit rosey

Body Type: Slender

Likes: Cleaning, training his Pokemon, getting praised, grilled cheese sandwiches, and watching Pro Wrestling.

Dislikes: People who talk big, people making fun of his hair, misplacing things, messy places, and not living up to someone's expectations.

Relatives: Mother (name soon to be revealed), father (name soon to be revealed), grandmother (name soon to be revealed, and Camelle (older sister)

Home: Motostoke (currently), Cyllage City, Kalos (formerly)

Outfit: Dark blue button up vest over a light blue long sleeved polo shirt, slim black slacks, and navy blue trainers with black socks (he knows the shoes don't fit the outfit, he could've worn something more fitting if it didn't have such sentimental value

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