Chapter One

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There were little to no monster attacks as just about all of the more intelligent monsters were afraid to cross paths with the likes of Percy Jackson. The smaller less intelligent monsters came around but not very often and were easily dealt with. The camps were connected through a portal of sorts so there was no reason to cross the country just to see your friends on the other side. Leo had come back with Calypso finally freeing her from her island prison. For the first time everything and everyone was finally at peace.

Percy had left camp for a few months to go on a trip with his mom and Paul, Annabeth tagging along as well. They took a nice trip around Europe, staying far away from Greece and Rome, not only to revel in the fact that Percy and Annabeth were still alive but also Sally finally publishing her book. A book of Greek myths. They got constant calls from not only the rest of the seven but Connor and Travis as well. They were updated on new campers, schedule changes, chore list, everything. Percy and Annabeth basically ran the camp, seeing as Dionysus was free of his punishment, so them being gone was close to chaos.

They had been updated about a new camper that the gods seemed to dote over. It was enraging all of the campers, especially the younger ones who were just finding out why their parents couldn't be around them. Apparently, she was very full of herself and cried wolf whenever someone was better than her. Chiron of course didn't buy it, but he could only be under the Gods scrutiny so much before the possibility of him being dismissed again was introduced. So, campers were punished left and right for just about anything. Nico, Reyna and even Clarisse soon started calling to complain about it, if Clarisse called them it had to be bad.

Naturally sensing the issue Annabeth and Percy cut their vacation short and ran back home. When they got back, they saw the full extent of it. Nico was very close to dragging her into the underworld. Her name was Libby Ells; she was the daughter of Hermes and despite most of the gods claiming to love her, Hermes couldn't stand her; her attitude reminded a lot of people of Luke as he started to turn against them, charming but angry. She had already heard about the two of them but didn't realize it was them when they came back. She challenged Percy and cried wolf when she lost.

"Sorry but I'm not gonna punish myself."

She looked confused, "What does that even mean?"

"Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Percy Jackson. I basically run the place." Her face fell into one of horror and fury. She stomped out of the Arena. "That could have gone better," he muttered to himself.

Over the next few weeks, he noticed little by little his friends started to drift. It wasn't a normal, 'we've grown apart' type drift either, it was much more sinister, its aura was dangerous, and Percy could sense it. Annabeth was starting to realize too. It didn't make sense, none of it did. He had done everything right; he had done all he could to help people. The son of Hades understood how Percy felt being Isolated and stayed with him.


There were knocks on his door all day, but he Ignored them. Percy was studying hoping to get a somewhat good score in the new Rome college entrance exam. He was flashed to Olympus, where the rest of the campers, Roman and Greek, kneeled in front of the gods. It took him a minute to get his bearings and stand.

Younger campers whom he had trained had tears in their eyes, his friend glaring fiercely at the king of the gods, Annabeth was crying and looked like she wanted to scream but wouldn't or physically couldn't. Libby looked smug. Annabeth tore herself away from the crowd and stood next to him taking his hand.

"Perseus Jackson You have been found guilty of treason, being a spy for Gaea and threatening to take down Olympus."

Percy was almost stunned into silence, "What?" he whispered at first, "What the hell? How? Under what pretense!?" He shouted; any shreds of respect that were left for them were thrown out the window.

Zeus didn't explain himself, Percy analyzed the Olympian council and found allies. Hermes was beyond upset, Artemis and Apollo were sneering at their father, Hesita had a glare but looked closer to breaking down than actually fighting, Hades gave him a pitying look and what surprised him most was Athena who while mostly indifferent seemed to throw a look of understanding and pity Percy's way. "I am a god; I have my sources."

"Father," the young demigod tried.

His father was glaring at Zeus, he looked like he wanted to start a fight. He could see his father didn't agree with the sentencing, but then why wasn't he helping him. It wasn't until years later when he looked back on this scene in his memories that he would realize that his father was bound to his throne.

He turned to his friends, most of whom looked scared like they weren't allowed to talk, "Guys" they avoided their gaze. Grover had tears slipping down his cheeks. He opened his mouth but quickly snapped it shut. He tried to move forward but he couldn't. Nico managed to pull himself away and so did Will. They both put their hands on Percy's shoulders letting him know that they stood with him.

"For this you are sentenced to death, any last words?" the king summoned his master bolt.

Percy was forced to his knees by an invisible force, "Luke was right."

"So, you admit to treason!" Ares raged earring a glare from his daughter.

Percy shot one of his own at him, the lazy river that once laid within gone, broken and beaten by Tartarus it was now a raging storm, a tsunami. It was enough to make even Hades' tremble. He pulled himself away from Nico and Will and took a daring step closer to the king of the gods. "I never stood on the side of the gods; I stood on the side of Humanity. And even in death I will continue to stand on the side of humanity, Hades' kingdom doesn't need to grow any faster, and humans don't need to die by interference of a world they can't see." He was given no reply, all he saw was Zues face enraged. Annabeth knew fighting was futile, Percy had fallen into Tartarus for her, so if he was going, she wanted to go with him. But it was too late, and all Nico and Will could do was watch in horror as he pushed Annabeth away when Zues fired on him.

Published: Sep 27, 2021
Updated: Apr 30, 2023/ May 13, 2024

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