Chapter Four

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"Listen! I couldn't care less whether you live or whether you die." Quill Claimed.

"Then why stop the big guy?" Gamora snapped.

"Simple really." Percy said, "He wants to sell the Orb. You know where to do so." Percy had no plans on letting that happen, but they didn't know that. "As for me, well that Orb is dangerous. Letting it loose will destroy the balance of the universe. And seeing as it's my job to keep that, I can't let Ronan or Thanos get their hands on it. I just want to know why you want it." It was clear that Gamora had more than a few reservations about her adoptive father in fact it seemed like she absolutely hated him. That could work in Percy's favor.

Gamora chose not to acknowledge Percy's statement for the time being. "How are we gonna sell it when we and it are still here?"

Quill smirked "My friend Rocket, here, has escaped 22 prisons. And surely, you've heard of the elusive Nova Storm, Jackson here has never met a prison strong enough to hold him."

Gamora side eyes them both "We're getting out. And then we're headed straight to Yondu to retrieve your bounty, the both of you." Rocket threatened Quill and Percy.

Percy waved him off and ripped the power dampener off leaving behind a bloody mess, "Ugh I hate these things." He groaned, rubbing his neck where the collar was attached and immediately the blood and wounds were gone. The other three looked at him like he was insane. Power dampeners were incredibly hard to come by and 100% fool proof. The fact that this average looking twenty something year old was able to just rip it from his neck pulling flesh off along with it and just complain was quite disturbing. "I'm only still in here cause I'm tired as hell. I was gonna come back for the orb but if we can get to it without the detour why the hell not."

"How much was your buyer willing to pay you for my Orb?" Quill asked, being sure to remind them who stole it.

After a moment of silence she answered, "five billion units."


"Holy shit."

Percy let out a low whistle.

"That Orb is my opportunity to get away from Thanos and Ronan. If you free us, I'll lead you to the buyer directly and I'll split the profit between the four of us. Please." She knew she couldn't beat Percy even if she tried. His skills were talked about across the galaxy. Acts of Heroism and crimes alike were marveled at. Thanos himself praised Percy's ability to destroy ancient civilizations overnight. She just needed to hope he would allow her to sell the damn thing.

The young man sighed and roughly ran his hand across his face. He didn't pay for anything; he didn't need to. Depending on the planet people just gave him stuff in an effort not to be killed. On other planets like Xandar, well after his time at camp he was used to living on the streets. At least this time around he could sleep in his ship. When he crashed the ship was totaled and he used the remains to make his own little hideout. Though Percy didn't have to pay for anything anymore he remembered the struggle of having no money, and he remembered being willing to pay anything to escape his role as a hero. Gamora was really no different; she wanted to escape Thanos, escape her role as an assassin. He groaned, "dammit I hate when people make me sentimental. The last time I cared it got me killed." He grumbled the end, concerning Gamora. "Fine, gah MaD is gonna kill me for this." He made sure his mind was blocked off, so she didn't hear him making this catastrophic deal. "Fine we'll sell the orb I'll see what my.... employer wants me to do from there." they didn't know who MaD was and considering they employed Percy they weren't sure they really wanted to.

"I am Groot," they all looked to the tree man who suddenly appeared.

"Five of us. Asleep for the danger, awake for the money, as per frickin' usual."

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