Chapter Six

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"Okay, this isn't creepy at all." Rocket said, stepping into what looked like a warehouse with all sorts of creatures trapped in glass boxes. It looked sorta like some kinda animal/humanoid zoo.

"We house the galaxy's largest collection of fauna, relics, and species of all manner," they pass by a dog who growls at Rocket, and he growls back.

Percy muttered behind Quill, "More like imprison." He was still not okay and would rather not look at Quill at the moment. He was kind of insulted by his comment and he was thankful Carina stopped the exchange that was bound to follow when she brought them in. Quill was trying very hard not to look at Percy. He wasn't sure if he believed the man. Before today he would have thought him crazy but right now, they were standing in a giant decomposing head. He's been to a lot of worlds and heard a lot of myths about different gods. Some of them were real, some of them not so much. Could it really be possible that the gods of earth were real? It would make sense of the scars covering his body, especially the lightning bolt one. It would make sense that he was being trained to be a hero if he was a demigod like Achilles or one who knew of the gods like Patroclus. If the gods of earth were real that begs the question, why did they kill Percy? Were the vindictive or was Percy really just that dangerous. Forget that the real question was how he was alive if he claimed Zues had killed him. Should he be glad he left Terra because of them, or should he be scared of the young man standing next to him?

"I present to you, Taneleer Tivan, The Collector," Carina said, snapping Quill out of his thoughts.

'The Collector' turned around, and Percy was met with a big guy dressed in furs with a weird pair of glasses on. He walked toward Gamora who stepped up, "Oh, my dear Gamora." He took her hand in his "How wonderful to meet in the flesh," He kissed the back. Percy thought he spoke a lot like Snape from the Harry Potter movies.

"Let's bypass the formalities, Tivan. We have what we discussed."

The Collector's eyes bypassed Gamora and fell upon Groot, "What is that thing there?"

"I am Groot."

"I never thought I'd meet a Groot. Sir... You must all me to pay you now so that I may own your carcass. At the moment of your death, of course."

"I am Groot."

"Why, so he could turn you into a frickin' chair?"

Percy shook his head, "This man is just as much of a lunatic as Zues if not more." He could basically sense the god complex coming off of him, 'at least Zues was an actual god.' It took a lot for Percy to praise his murderer but somehow Tivan made him do it. Quill heard Percy, he was muttering to himself though and it seemed he had no idea that Quill heard him. So at the very least he thought what he was saying was true.

"That's your pet?"

Quill and Percy shook their heads, "His what?" Rocket started pulling out his gun. It was a bad idea to insult Rocket even unintentionally. Though Percy wasn't sure if that was unintentional or not.

Gamora stepped in before Rocket could get trigger happy, "Tivan. We have been halfway around the galaxy, retrieving this Orb."

"Very well, then. Let us see what you brought." Percy pulled it out of his Satchel and handed it to the collector knowing that very soon he would have it back.

"Oh, my new friends. Before creation itself, there were six singularities." He said after hooking up the orb to a machine to unlock it, "and six great beings called concepts who slain the beast whose head we reside in at the very moment, The others never seen before by anyone alive. Fate, Ego, Chaos, Order, Peace, and Destruction." Percy's eyes widened. "Then the universe exploded into existence," Circular memories burst to life around them "and the remnants of these systems were forged into concentrated ingots. Gifts of the concepts they say," As he opened the orb purple light fazed out of it "Infinity Stones." The memories etched showed an image of a different stone "These stones, it seems, can only be brandished by beings of extraordinary strength. Observe." He showed a robot-like entity carrying the stone on a staff, "These carriers can use the Stone to mow down entire civilizations like wheat in a field." It destroyed an entire planet in seconds. "At least this one, it is said that this one is created by Destruction."

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