Chapter Seven

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Percy and Rocket crashed the pods back on Knowhere close to Drax and Groot. "Blasted idiot. They're all idiots!" Rocket groaned crawling out. Percy stumbled out and coughed, "Quill just got himself captured. None of this ever would have happened if you didn't try to single-handedly take on a frickin' army!"

"Not to mention we lost the orb," Percy said dizzily. He grabbed on to the side of the pod to steady himself.

Drax sighs, "You're right. I was a fool. All the anger, all the rage, was just to cover my loss." Percy's face dropped, he immediately understood how he acted when he thought he lost his mom he was irrational and ready to take on Hades himself he had actually taken on Ares himself.

"Oh boo-hoo-hoo "My wife and child are dead."" Rocket mocked him. Groot gaped and covered his mouth but Percy couldn't even glare; he also understood where Rocket was coming from. Drax did almost get them all killed. "I don't care if it's mean! Everybody's got dead people. It's no excuse to get everybody else dead along the way!"

Percy's face darkened, "yeah everyones got dead people, I got a whole lot. Enough to make my own cemetery. And what Drax did was one of the most idiotic things I could ever imagine but screaming is not gonna help Quill, Gamora or the universe!" Percy ironically screamed.

Rocket gave him a look and shook his head "Come on, Groot. Ronan has the stone. The only chance we got is to get to the other side of the universe as fast as we can and maybe, just maybe, we'll be able to live full lives before that whack-job ever gets there."

The demigod shook his head in disbelief, "Go ahead and run! My job is never done is it. I've got a stone to retrieve." Percy turned his mask on and turned towards the Milano. The ravagers would tear the two apart and Gamora was his best shot at actually retrieving the stone since her sister was the one who took it. So he had to save Quill and Gamora then get the stone. Easy right? He faced off against mother earth. He could do this at least that what he would tell himself so if he died he would go down swinging.

Groot stood, "I am Groot."

"Save them? How?"

"I am Groot."

"I know they're the only friends that we ever had, but there's an army of ravagers around them. And there's only two of us!"

Drax stood up shakily "Three."

"I am Groot," The tree pointed at Percy who was already halfway to Quill's ship.

Rocket groaned irritatedly his mind clearly working against his emotions. He started kicking the small patch of grass, "You're making me. beat... up grass!"


"I wish there was something better we could do then to shoot at a ravager ship."

"Do you got a better plan?"

"Not really my ex was more of the planning ahead person, I usually planned while I was getting my ass handed to me then flip it around," Percy looked out at the huge ravager ship.

As soon as they could make out the Ravager Captain, Yondu, in the window Rocket decided to intimidate them, "Attention, idiots. The lunatic on top of this craft is holding a Hadron Enforcer. It's a weapon of my own design. If you don't hand over our companions now, he's gonna tear your ship a new one. A very big new one!"

"Yeah he's not lying," Percy said into the comm with a smirk, "That probably one of the most dangerous weapons in the galaxy, never seen anything like it"

"I'm giving you to the count of five, 5, 4, 3...

"Rocket, Jackson, it's me, for God sakes! We figured it out! We're fine!"

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