Chapter Ten

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"So where are we exactly?" Rocket asked.

"A secluded star system, a Void, one of three across the galaxy. No one can find them, unless you know the way that is. This one is my home. It only houses two planets just like the other three. That of Order and that of Chaos. We're headed to Order," he said pointing to a planet that looked like a perfect porcelain ball, like it would shatter if handled roughly.

They touched down on the planet. As soon as they stepped off the ship Percy was tackled in a hug by a beautiful short, tanned woman with long brown hair pulled back in a braid. She was barefoot, wore a black dress that hovered just above the ground and a black crystal crown. As she pulled away, they could see her brown eyes that looked like the galaxy resided in them. She grabbed Percy's ear roughly making him bend down so she could smack him on the shoulder. "Percy Rigel Jackson, do you have any idea how much trouble you're in! You gave me a heart attack." She snapped, dragging him away.

"That's not even possible!" Percy shot back as he was dragged away.

His friends looked confused, A prince of earth, a protector of Peace and a guardian of the Galaxy, was getting scolded at and pulled away by what they could only assume was a mother figure, seeing as his was human. Another woman taller than the first with a fair complexion, blue eyes that looked like stars, and brown hair stepped forward. "Come children," she giggled in a soft voice. She wore a white long sleeve dress that just grazed the ground with long locks that rolled down her back and a white crystal crown.

They followed the woman to a palace in the distance listening to Percy get reamed at the whole way there. When they finally stepped inside, Percy was released, and the guardians welcomed with open arms. "Welcome to Orders planet young heroes," Percy rubbed his ear with a pout.

"Percy the orb" The young man took it out of the inside pocket of his jacket and handed it to Order.

"You have done wonderfully young heroes; I will send this back to destruction's void Thanos will never find it." She bowed to the heroes as a mutual sign of respect. "These were never meant to be released upon the universe. They were not gifts, they were accidents. Products of our creation. Power from destruction. Time with Fate, Reality made from Chaos."

"Soul with Peace, Space from Ego, Mind made of Order."

"No being of Mortality should find them, Mortals are reckless and harmful at times with very few good ones like yourselves. We had taken many precautions but in recent years the stones have been taken from their prisons, found and moved. We suspect fate is playing a game with all of us. To her life is a joke, mortals are playthings, and their suffering is not to be taken seriously. Sometimes I wonder if we should just start over again with her." Chaos and Order were the creators of the other four concepts, but Fate had been taking this too far for eons. Breaking apart their creation and reconfiguring her into one that would work with Percy for balance was looking pretty good right now. She bowed her head "excuse me." With that she whisked away.

"You five must be exhausted and hungry," Chaos said in a motherly voice. As she said that Drax's stomach growled. She laughed loudly and beckoned them forward.

The guardians were uncomfortably silent for a moment, they were in the presence of the creator of the universe. "Chaos saved me, seeing all I had done for Terra. She figured I could do the same for the universe. She has no true form, so she Manifested into the form of someone I cared for. It's kind of weird now considering how I call her mom or Dad, but she manifests into people who were like siblings, or I would call friends rather than my actual mother. This form is that of a Nymph slash Titaness named Zoe Nightshade. A great friend and one of the bravest heroes I ever met."

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