Chapter Eight

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Percy sat on a box now in full ravager gear and prayed, "MaD" He prayed to Chaos. "Please let this go well, please give me the strength to go through one last sacrifice. Please save my new friends and at the very least if we do die, please let them be reunited with their loved ones. Bring Riptide back to Terra and tell them I died as a hero and not a traitor."

A voice ran in Percy's head, A female voice letting him know it was a mom day, "I will be beside you and help all I can Percy." He felt a feather light touch on his forehead, "be careful my son."

"I will mom," He opened his eyes and ran a hand over his face, "please let us survive."

"We will," a new voice assured him. In the doorway was Quill, "We'll live through this kid, promise," He smiled nudging his shoulder.

"I'm not much younger than you Quill," Percy laughs, pushing his hair back. "But thanks, sometimes you need to be reminded that no everyones bad, and sometimes I need to remember that not everyones gonna turn their back on me."

"Did they kill you because they were afraid of you?" Quill asked.

"Maybe deep down. Someone claimed I had betrayed the gods. I didn't, but even after everything I did they chose to believe her."

The Automated voice rang though the ship, "Ronan's fleet has been spotted, and will arrive in T-minus fifteen minutes."

"Let's go get 'em, boys!" Yandu yelled over the comms.

Hundreds of Ravagers ships were deployed just outside of Xandars radius, "This is a terrible plan," Gamora realized.

"Hey, you're the one who said you wanted to die among friends," Quill teased.

Yondu's ship fires at Ronan's, creating a cover, "Cover it down. Submerge!"

Quill and Percy at the controls do a full on Nose dive straight on to Xandar then back up.

"Rocket, hurry!" Quill yells out to Rocket and his team Just as the cover goes down, not a moment later it seems all of Ronas pilots dive.

"This looks like the most intense game of galaga ever." Percy quips, making Quill look over at him with a grin.

"Quill! Yondu! Now!" Rocket yells as they break through the side of the ship. They make their way forward. ducking and weaving thigh fire.

Percy sees Yondu fall back "Awe Hell! I'm going down, Quill! No more games with me, boy! I'll see you at the end of this!"

Quill doesn't even react, just continues on. "There are too many of them, Rocket!" Gamora calls "We'll never make it up there!" Percy thrust forward determined to get the stone back and keep it out of villainess clutches for good.

Suddenly a ton of ships flank around Percy and Quill's ship, "Peter Quill. This is Denarian Saal of the Nova Corps. For the record, I advised against trusting you here."

"They got my "dick" message!" Percy opened his mouth to argue against the wording but shook his head and continued on.

"Prove me wrong."

Their ship ducks into the hole in the side of Ronan's ship, the wings breaking off the sides "Yes!" Drax calls as if this is a ride. Guards flank the sides trying to take down the ship, Quill turns them as best he can with the wings gone and shoots them all dead. The three up front just stare at each other in shock, considering they actually survived that "Yes!" Drax cheers again.

Gamora looks at the two, "We're just like Kevin Bacon."

"Kevin Ba- Did you explain Footlose to her! Of all movies Footlose!"

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