Chapter Two

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It was the most intense pain he had ever felt then a numb sensation fell upon him. Percy felt like he was floating for hours. When he opened his eyes there was a woman standing over him, she had cinnamon brown hair and gold eyes that looked like galaxies were inside, "good you're up."

"Hazel?" He asked as he sat up and looked around, He didn't trust anything around him, he couldn't recognize anything. She let out a light laugh, "Not exactly, I chose this form because it is familiar and does not invoke any bad memories, well nothing too bad. you seem to care for her deeply." Of course he cared for Hazel, he loved her like a little sister. She was one of the first to him at camp Jupiter, she was one of the only people to make him feel safe and not alone while he was without his memories. She waved him off, "You're on my secluded planet. I'm Chaos the creator of well just about everything, Order too, they'll be here in a moment.

"Anyway," she waved her hands, helping the demigod to his feet. Only then did he realize he was in the softest bed he had ever had the pleasure of being in. She was short, with a light touch, but her aura was powerful more powerful than any being he had ever been faced with. "Me and Order want to give you another chance at life, but not on earth, and you will not be reborn. Basically, we'll give you, our blessings. And let you off into space to do as you see fit. Collect bounties, steal, murder," She suggested with a giggle.

"Or help people and heal broken planets. You see-," A boy walked in, no a man. A very pale man, rather short with messy black hair and eyes that looked like stars.

"Nico?" Percy gawked; this was weird he looked like an older Nico.

He chuckled and shook his finger in a very un-Nico-like sense of humor. "Order," He corrected giving the young hero a bow. "As I was saying, you will be keeping balance. It must be kept and while me and Chaos are all powerful, things sometimes fall out of place. While you are out gallivanting around the universe and enjoying your second chance the instincts given to you by our powers will draw you to certain places and you will know how and create the steps to regain mortal balance," he smiled. "Do as you see fit you are no longer bound by the fates of earth you set your own path. Our champions are granted free will. I don't think a great hero should be so disrespected. Wouldn't you agree, Chaos?"

"You are very right brother," Chaos turned back to the demigod. "Do you accept?"

Percy really didn't want to but what other choice did he have, go back to earth and fall into the fields of punishment? "I accept," he answered.

The woman smiled and clapped, "Good, now this may hurt." There was a galaxy-colored orb in her hand. And a white one in Orders. It did hurt, it hurt a lot, it felt worse than Styx. So naturally he passed out.

When he woke up trained on the planet for a few years. he was taught every style of sword fighting the two deities could teach him, he was taught how to shoot, (a gun, he was still useless with a bow no matter how much he practiced), hand to hand combat developed on hundreds of planets.  He learned the history of the concepts, the beast they fought at the beginning of time, the creation of the infinity stones. He learned of the types of planets and deities he would face and the races he would deal with. He learned delegation and politics, but also learned how to be a ruthless war mongered when the time called for it. He was not meant to save the universe, but he wasn't meant to destroy it either. He was balance, there was no good without bad, no light without darkness, no demons without angels, and Percy was meant to be both.  

After all was said and done then was let loose on the universe. Let out to do whatever he pleased.


Percy's version of do as you pleased happened to be collecting bounties for criminals, dropping them on the steps of the Nova Corp center or whoever wanted them. Occasionally he would go about stealing the legendary artifact and selling them for an insane number of units, the universal currency. He was clearly much more Chaos than Order. He had a lot of bounties and a long list of crimes. No one could catch him though he was like a storm; uncontainable. He could lay siege to a world, and most weren't brave enough to invoke that kind of anger.

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