Chapter Nine

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Groot extended his arms out letting branches grow spreading out around his new friends, his family, forming a tight protective dome around them. Rocket slowly came to seeing branch like tendrils wrapping around the other five keeping them in place lighting up the dome with the little glowing dandelions. "No, Groot!" Rocket choked out. "You can't. You'll die. Why are you doing this?" He snapped tears falling, "why?"

Groot reached out a small tendril to whip away his best friend's tears, "We are Groot," he managed to struggle out painfully before they crashed into the city center.

All five managed to survive the crash thanks to Groot despite being bloodied and very possibly broken. Percy sat up wincing along the way, he really wished Chaos and Orders blessing had kept him from feeling pain, but no they said that it would make him less human. He healed himself just enough to stand up and noticed that they were surrounded by not only the rubble of the city center and Rona's ship, but a pile of twigs strewn all about. His heart clenched even with all the power in the universe he still couldn't save his friends. Fate was cruel. He limped his way over to Rocket, "I called him an idiot," he whispered, holding a few sticks. Percy placed a hand on his back letting Rocket mourn.

Sadly it wasn't for long as Ronan appeared out of the cloud of smoke almost unfazed. The only evidence of their fight; a dent in his armor, "How the hades are you not dead!"

"You killed Groot!" Rocket ran forward before Percy could react only for the power stone to be used to throw him back like a rag doll.

"Behold!" Ronan thundered, "Your guardians of the galaxy!" Rocket was lucky enough to be thrown near some machinery that he could rewire. It was barely working because of the crash but the flicker of energy was enough for a genius like himself. "What fruit have they wrought?" he nodded to Drax setting off a chain reaction, so the others got the message. "Only that my father and his father shall finally know vengeance. People of Xandar, the time has come to rejoice and renounce your paltry gods! Your salvation is at hand." He raised his mallet and yelled in his native language.

Quill started singing O-o-h child By stairsteps, "Listen to these words." He said quickly before continuing. Percy and Gamora shared a look. Silently agreeing that Peter Quill may be the dumbest, yet bravest person to travel the universe. "Now bring it down hard!" and he started dancing.

"What are you doing?" the Kree asked, genuinely confused by what was happening.

"Dance-off, bro. Me and you." He gestured to the green woman who was only a few feet from him holding her side. "Gamora" She shook her head quickly looking genuinely worried for his safety and sanity. "Subtle. Take it back."

"What are you doing?" Ronan yelled this time.

"I'm you, you big turd blossom." Ronan turned to Rocket and Drax who were now rearmed with the Hadron Enforcer powered with a plasma blast this time. It was only good for one shoot, so they had to make it count. Rocket connected the wires and let it fire. They landed it and broke Ronan's mallet destroying it meaning the stone had nothing holding it and made its way to the earth surface. Ronan's eyes widened if the stone touched the surface this way he would die as well. He reached for the stone just as Percy and Quill leapt out towards it before it could reach the planet's surface.

"No!" Gamora yelled as Quill's hand closed around the stone. He screamed in pure agony as purple energy pulsed from Peter and swirled in a violent dark cloud around the five and Ronan. Violet hues pulsed though his nerves, burns and cracks covering every inch of their friend. He would die if he kept the stone in his grasp much longer, "Peter! Take my hand!" Gamora screamed, "take my hand!"

He reached out fighting against the storm and took it. The power taking over her as well, "Gamora!" Percy struggled against the rapid winds, albeit with a little less effort, he reached out for Gamora who slowly and painfully turned to grab his hand. The power stone's energy took him as well.

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