Risky Whisky

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I couldnt hold back my gasp this time. The blush that had been on my cheeks just half an hour ago came back with a vengeance.

"Hey. Juniper is it?" came Andy's husky voice.

"uh, you can just call me June if you like haha."

"cool. This is Niall, dunno if you've heard of him."

I flashed back to my morning shower again, feeling naked in front of the whole group, and blushing harder. Niall's bright blue eyes sparkled in the dimly lit green room, complmenting. Andy's darker but equally beautiful icy ones.

"haha, yeah, i know of you. Nice to meet you." I managed to hold my vice steady, even though my blush and awkward laughter betrayed me. They knew exactly how nervous i was.

I snapped a candid photo to try to ease the tension.

"no need to do much photographing," Andy said huskily. "I just couldn't help but notice you at the barrier, so in the moment, i had to know more about you, so i needed and excuse to bring you back here. Most people at Wared Tour are way busier smashing into eachother or filming on their phones for their snapchat story to bother really listening to the lyrics or let the music consune them."

I giggled nervously. "I didn't know you were a BVB fan." I said to Niall, trying to change the subject.

"haha, yeah, Andy and I met on his UK tour a while back and we've been unlikely bets friends ever since. Weird huh" he replied.

"Sit down girl, take the weight off" Jinxx interjected, finished with his drawing. The only spare seat was right across from Andy and Niall, so I couldnt avoid their gaze if i tried. I plonked myself down.

"so, June, I noticed your cute accent, where are you from?" Niall said cheekily.

"Oh, um, I'm from new zealand, its kinda like australia... I moved here 4 years ago to follow my dream of being a photographer."

"that's dope" said Andy.

"oh yeah, i know NZ, great beaches right?" Niall replied with his adorable Irish accent, smoother than Andy's husky American one, ut just as hot.

I laughed. "Yeah, thats the one. It's practically all beach down there."

"And full of volcanos right? I like a girl who likes to live dangerously" Andy winked.

I felt myself melting into the couch. Oh my god, were they flirting with me??? Cant believe these two superstars were even talking to a girl like me. They could have any girl they wanted, and I, Juniper Everleigh, was backstage at warped tour with two of my idols, whose music id been listening to in the shower just 12 hours ago.

" i do my best" i replied awkwardly. I could feel a weird tension between the two guys, as if they were both trying to keep my attention. 

Sensing the vibe, CC jumped in - "would you like a whisky, June?" He said cheekily, holdingo ut a glass for me. Andy lit another cigarette as i accepted it. I needed all the liquid confidence i could get. Plus, it gave my hands and. mouth something to do to avoid being awkward when i wasn't even holding my camera, which usually sheilded me from the world. I weasn't usually much of a social butterfly, unlike my best friend Amber, who would have been able to talk to these two celebs with ease. She couldn't believe i was still a virgin too, but i think it's probably because I'm so awkward!!!!  It's not that i didn't want to have sex (believe me i did) but i just hadn't found anyone worth messing around with yet that i could even speak two words to. OMG JUNE CALM YOUR TITS, why was i thinking about sex right now??? It's not like either of these guys could possibly be interested in me that way.... or could they?

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