Ringing and Singing

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Andys POV:

After speaking with June today I was feeling good. Most people really don't get me but i felt like she really did.

Every one thought I was a hardened sex crazed alcoholic rock god, which was half true but beneath that I was a passionate, loving man. I had feelings and thoughts and i really cared. I felt like June really saw that in me, and was able to look past my hard exterior to my secretly gooey gooshey heart. 

Things had been feeling a lil weird with Niall recently though, it seemed we both were starting to crush on June and didn't know how that was going to effect our best friendship. Niall and I had NEVER let a girl get in between us, Bros before hoes of course. But Junebug was NO hoe! She was incredibly talented, bubbly and kind. She had a good listening ear but also knew how to carry a conversation. Her passion was hot red like her gorgeous red locks and those grey/green/stormy eyes were to die for. I melted every time i saw them changing colours with her moods. She held a good poker face but those gorgeous orbs always gave her away. She's so intuitive, like she can sense exactly how i'm feeling and what i'm thinking. Her aura excuded the most calming energy and as hard as crowds and social situations could be for me, i felt so comfortable with her around me. 

She was different. And I needed to have her in my life. I just hoped it wouldn't come between me and Niall.

I was getting ready for our date, Motley Crue blasting from my speaker. I wanted to show her a different side of me tonight, the more genuine side. I gelled my hair back, smooth and out of my face - I wanted her to see all of me. 

'Now listen up

She's a razor sharp
If she don't get her way

She'll slice you apart'

I always hit behind my hair, letting it's wildness and volume speak for me but tonight i wanted to speak for me. I put on a white dress shirt, leaving the last 4 buttons unbuttoned to show off my chest tattoos.

'Now she's a cool, cool black

She moves like a cat

If you don't get her name'

I put on black suspenders, connecting them to my black tight dress pants, i was feeling damn classy.

'Well, you might not make it back'

Motley Crue's song 'Looks that kill' was blasting out, one of my favourite songs from them and it definitely applied to June.

'She's got the looks that kill, that kill, oh

She's got the looks that kill, that kill, oh'

I sprayed on my axe colon and grinned at myself in the mirror. 

"You are going to kill it tonight Andy" i said to myself. I was ready to sweep this gorgeous lady right off her feet! 

I sent June a quick text "Hey, I'm almost done, i'll see in you 5?" 

I gathered up my things and waited for her reply... but she didn't reply.

That's a bit weird, I thought.

I sent her another text, "Hey everything okay?" I asked

3 minutes later and still no reply, maybe she was having a hard time?

I decided to walk to her apartment any way, i'm sure i could comfort her if she was getting cold feet. 

I got to her apartment and knocked on the door but received no answer, the door swung open.

It was unlocked.

I walked in, admiring the tidyness of everything. She was right about that beautiful view! But none of her camera gear was here, her bag was no where to be seen. Had she maybe not been home yet?? Then where could she be??

I texted Niall "Hey mate have you heard from June per chance?"

I closed the door and went down to the hotel lobby, the hotel lobby attendant was a lanky dude with dirty blonde hair. 

"Hey I'm wondering if the girl at room 333 has been in this evening? I was supposed to meet her but it looks like she hasn't made it home. I'm just a bit worried" I said concerned

The attendant looked up the CCTV footage for me and confirmed she hadn't been home yet, that was definitely strange. 

Niall texted back saying "No I haven't, is everything okay?"

I quickly texted him back saying "I'm not sure, we were supposed to be going for dinner tonight but she hasn't come home to her hotel yet..."

I hope Niall wouldn't be bothered that i had planned to go to dinner with her tonight... We could settle that later though there were more pressing matters at jand right now.

I decided to give her a call, who knows maybe she just might pick up and say she's just busy doing something and runing late?

The dial tone rang out and finally a voice answered... But it wasn't June's voice.

Junes POV

My phone rang and I wanted to move to get it but realised i didn't even have it.

The man in the front of the car had it! I hadn't even seen him take it!

He picked it up and said "June's phone" omg he knew my name what the FUCK


I could recognise the voice on the other side of the line, it was Andy and he sounded so worried!

"Yeah hi, is June there?"

I tried to scream but the tape over my mouth made it impossible, all i could do was helplessly listen on as this weird man spoke to andy. 

This was just my fucking luck, on the night i was supposed to finally go on a dinner date with THE SEX GOD OF ROCK i get KIDNAPPED???? Unbelievable.

"Sorry June's a bit busy here, I can take a message for you" The man replied casually AS IF HE DIDN'T HAVE ME TIED UP AND GAGGED AND HELD HOSTAGE!

Don't get me wrong, i do love a bit of bondage but NOT LIKE THIS! AND NOT WITH THIS DUDE!

I could sense through the phone Andy was getting irritated "Yeah can you ask if she's going to be making it for our date tonight?" Asked Andy with an attitude

"Oh, Andrew Biersack I can assure you she will not" He said

With that I could hear Andy getting enraged, "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?" He yelled down the phone

"Oh Dear Andrew, I think you know me very well. 

He's the wolf screaming lonely in the night
He's the blood stain on the stage
He's the tear in your eye
Been tempted by his lie
He's the knife in your back, he's rage
He's the razor to the knife
Oh, lonely is our lives " 

My captor sang to him over the phone and it began to dawn on me who this might be.

Andy had fallen silent too and the man was just grinning wickedly down the phone. 

"There's no way..." Andy said

"Nikki?" said Andy

The man laughed, and i felt the realisation of my situation finally sink in. Never in a million years could i have ever predicted this one.

I had been kidnapped by Nikki Sixx from Motley Crue. 

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