Rivalry and Revelry

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I blushed harder than i even had in the past 48 hours combined, if that was even POSSIBLE.

If Niall had been following me on tumblr, he must have seen all my selfies, all my reposts, all my... poetry.... It meant he knew who i was before i had even met him in that green room what felt like a hundred years ago now.

I couldn't take it.

"oh my god Niall... I can't believe youve seen all my posts." I stammered, my face a deep shade of scartlet.

Niall was flustered. "don't be embarrassed!!!!" he floundered, waving his hands around in a way that was meant to comfort me but was also so.... cute. "I know, it probably sounds kind of creepy, since like, we only met yesterday and all..." he trailed off.

I fanned myself, barely able to contain my emotions. "Uh... it's not creepy" I reassured him. "it's just.... embarrassing, it's so like weird that you've seen all my selfies and old posts and... poems..."

"honesty..." he began, "your poetry inspired me." I could've died right then and there. AS IF I COULD EVEN BLUSH ANY HARDER. An international superstar not only followed me on tumblr but liked, no, was INSPIRED by, my poems??? Ugh. I couldn't decide between whether i was overwhelmed by flattery or embarrassment.

At that moment, OM&M said their goodbyes, and. the crowd went wild God, I hoped I snapped enough pictures this set in betweeen.... Flirting... with GODDAMN NIALL HORAN..

Out of the corner of my eye I could see a bright blue glint of someone else's icy ones, watching me and Niall from the wings... 


I didn't know if he could see that we were connecting.... I mean, WERE we?? I was so confused inside my horny brain I couldn't think straight. Was that Jealousy in Andy's eyes????? 

In a way, I was so confused that both these guys seemed to be into me in some way. The incredible chat I had with Andy yesterday, the knee slapping laughs I'd had with Niall today... surely there was something more behind the looks we exchanged. In the green room. In the crowd. In this incredible New York cityscape. Anything could happen here, so far away from home for me, for Niall, even for Andy. What happens in Brooklyn, stays in Brooklyn... Right???

Andy approached as the crowd broke up, heading to the merch tents, to the meetups, everything... As their feet kicked up dust around us, I watched as Andy Sixx's handsome figure emerged from the clouds like an angel walking out of hell. I had felt so connected to Niall today, but right now, in this moment, I felt so TORN between them.

"Hey" he said huskily, shooting us both a smirk. I felt self conscious under his icy, sexy gaze.

"Yo man, what's up!" Niall replied, seemingly unaware of the tension I was feeling in the moment. I laughed and waved quietly. OH MY GOD JUNE, could you be any more awkward right now????

"Not a whole lot bro, just came out to get some fresh air. Fancy seeing you both here!" he smirked.

My blush grew even more in that moment.

"A... Are you playing today as well?" I asked, trying to find something to say to avoid the awkwardness I was feeling inside.

"Nah," he replied cooly. "warped tour got extended from 2 days to four this year, but like, I'm not playing again this tour, I'm just here to enjoy the music." I COULDN'T READ THIS GODDAMN GUY. 

"I'm so excited to be here, haha" I replied, "most epic warped tour ever, for sure."

The conversation was casual, too casual. There were so many things unsaid between us it felt like. My mind went crazy, thinking about what was happening right now, the sparks flying as two men who were hard as stone rubbed together like the friction i needed to set my whole dress on fire. WTF!

"Any plans for later dude?" Niall asked, completely ignoring or maybe missing my awkwardness. 

"Not really," Andy replied, flicking a strand of black hair behind his ear, sending a waft of his cologne my way. It probably wasn't on purpose, but it made me swoon anyway. "how about you guys? Not hanging out without me I hope, haha." I blushed EVEN MORE.

"No way man, we just met up by accident here." Niall replied, maybe sensing Andys.... JEALOUSY???

"Well, I have a bottle of Jack with our names on it." Andy smirked.

"Whoa guys, remmeber I'm working here for the whole long weekend." I interjected, partly because I didn't want to be hungover for my job, but also because I didn't want to imagine what a few hours alone with Niall and Andy would look like.... or did I???

"come on Juney, lighten up!" Niall said. "It's only 3pm!"

Andy laughed. "Juney? That's cute."

I was ON FIRE. Niall and Andy... both calling me Juney... Idk how I was gonna handle the next while with both these guys next to me.

"Where are you guys staying?" I asked, partly because I wondered if Warped Tour gave them as good accomodation as me secretly, partly trying to change the subject.

"Oh, we rented an apartment for the week together so we could easily get to and from Warped,"  Niall explained, shooting me a cheeky glance with his gorgeous light blue orbs.

"It's pretty dope, has an amazing view of Central Park." Andy says.

"Oh cool, Warped set me up with a penthouse suite as well." I replied, trying to stay focussed with both these gorgeous men watching me.

"Wow, I'd love to see it." Andy said sneakily, his crooked smile making me swoon. 

"haha............ maybe." I said, trying to keep it cool. 

"Hey, no need to get in the lovely lady's personal space!" Niall joked, but i coud see in his eyes that he was kinda... serious.

"Wouldn't dream of it." Andy waved it off. "Wanna come round to our place after you finish?"

I flushed. First the green room, now this?? I knew I needed to keep a clear head to do my job but... I knew I definitely wanted to drink that bottle of Jack with my.... friends??? Idols??? lvoe interests....????? I immediately flashed back to my shower fantasies.... to the thought of Andy's long fingers on my clit, Niall's eyes boring into mine, their delicious voices harmonizing in moans we all felt.... I could hardly take it.

"uh.. sure...." I said before I could even think it through. What was I getrting myself into???

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