Chevys and Chakras

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June's POV

I suddenly recognized his soil patch.... the man who had been in the hotel lobby looking as greasy as Jabba the hut's flaps on a hot day in Mos Eisly. WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!! Sure i loved motley crew but i was starting to have second thoughts about whether or not i'd ever groove to Live Wire again. 

"what do you want" I heard Andy growl down the phone.

Nikki threw his head back and laughed, his crispy black hair crinkling against the car seat.

"You have spat in the face of my legacy for too long, Biersack." Nikki growled back. I wriggled against my restraints. Even if this old fucking guy was acting like he thought he was Zorro or something, one thing i could say about him was that he had paid attention in boy scouts, because these knots were tighter than an Ewok's asshole.

"What... my NAME???? my fucking STAGE NAME????? are you gonna team up with Kiss and tell me to stop waring war paint next????" Andy yelled. I could sense his vibe, even from the middle of god knows where on the road as the sun set on New York city on this shitty fucking evening. IT WAS SUPPOSERD TO BE A DAY TO REMEMBER. In stead of being tied up in the back seat of a washed out ex rock star's toyota corrolla like a damsel in distress about to be left on the train tracks, I should be getting wined, dined and sixxty nined by a much sexier, and obviously way cooler rock god right now. My mind flooded sadly with all the thoughts of all the things tonight could have had for me. Maybe I would have finally got some clarity about where I stood with Niall and Andy. Maybe instead of spitting on Nikki Sixx's legacy Andy could've been spitting down my sinkhole like those weird clown carnival games where you have to fill up a balloon with a water gun by shooting into the clowns mouth. what was happening right now was a whole new rollercoaster of emotions i was NOT tall enough to ride.

"you think you're so cool, taking my gritty image and turning it into some kind of glam rock circus with your whiny little songs about how HAAAARD it is to be a teen when your generation didn't even have the guts to drink straight from the hose. You and your little band of misfits haven't got an iota of the balls i do."

"I have one demand for you Mr Andy 'Sixx', rebuke your entire persona. Announce to the world that you're a phony. You're a wallmart discount version of me Nikki Sixx and KISS. You let the lines between appreciation and appropriation become blurred due to your lack of creativity and individuality. Admit it to the world Andrew and you'll receive your 'precious little junebug' back!" He spat, immediately hanging up.

Andy's POV:

I tried desperately to redial, but that BASTARD must have turned June's phone off. I my face was bright red was RAGE. I knew I had to do something, and fast. Who knew what this Billy Ray Cyrus after a long hard night line dancing in a toe jam factory looking motherfucker was capebble of!,!!! I didn't know what to do, so I called the only man I knew could help. My best friend in the world, Niall. I knew that there was already some tension between us because obviously we were both crushing on the hottest girl at warped tour and that girl was the same girl, but I could set that aside to save our beautiful red haired lady love from this actual IRL VILLAIN.

"Niall!!!!!" I yelled down the phone, wasting no time at all.

"Did you find her?.? Is she ok??? Where did she gowhathappenedissheok?!?!??"

"Niall calm down and focus! I called her phone and you'll never guess who fucking answered it. Nikki. Fucking. Six. And he's holding her ransom until I announce to the world that BVB sucks and I won't call myself Andy Sixx ever again. This is so fucked up man."

"Where are you?? I'm coming right now."

Niall's POV

I grabbed my bag and started stuffing things I thought I might need into it. If we were gonna get Juney back, I was gonna need to come prepared. I put my packed my pocket knife with the green handle, and the knuckle dusters Andy had given me for my last birthday. Plus the walkie talkies and some leftover nandos. Never know what might come in handy. I held on to my four leaf clover key ring and wished upon a lucky star that we would find and save my Juney... our juney... June.

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