Sparky824: After the deadline, the choices have been finalized. After 20 spins...
Sparky824: In order from the 1st spin to the 20th, the votes have been counted...
Sparky824: It is a tie between Ikaruga as his wife & Yagyū as his Finacé. A new tiebreaker spin has hit & the winner is...
Sparky824: ...Ikaruga. Thank you for helping me choose your choice. She will appeared in Episode 9 of Baka & Test. Until then, STAY SHOCKING!!
Baka & Test x Male Reader
Hayran KurguGameknight0008 choose this. (Y/N), along with his friends from 2-F not only to showcase their strength in studying subjects, but also prove that you don't mess with him or the others. He will fight Whoever, even when he is an one man army.