Chapter 1

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( A/N - Hey , Before you start reading , get to know us! We're Taylor and Brittany ,we're bestfriends & co-owning this account together . This is our first fan fiction .. Tell us what you think .. )

Chapter 1

Hello , my name is Kourtney , I've been bestfriends with Liam Payne for 13 years . 5 years ago , I found out that I have the biggest crush on my Bestfriend & member of the worlds biggest boy band one direction .! When ever I see Liam with his friend Danielle I get so jealous !

It all started 5 years ago . Me and Liam went on this little friendly date , he took me to nandos , it was pretty calm there. When we left , we left hand in hand like we did all the time . I started to get butterflies in my stomach ! We then sat on a bench in the mall. We were talking about how Liam should go on the x-factor in a few years ! He has an AMAZING voice . I mean amazing , I remember when we were little he sang to me , just so I can fall asleep!

He didn't like the idea of auditioning .. He started singing his favorite song , Cry Me A River (A/N - we don't know if that's his favorite song but yeah) which happened to play in the mall .. He sang to me , we looked into eachothers eyes , then the next thing I know people were surrounding us.! That day I found out that I love my Bestfriend !


Two years passed sense that day . I can't help but stare at his big brown eyes every time were together .. I guess I always have the smirk on my face , because Liam always asks me what's wrong .. Everytime he asks I make an excuse but stutter every time .. Does he know about my feelings for him ?

No he likes that Danielle girl , with her perfect brown hair .! God I can't get him off my mind .. Why can't he like me ? Why don't I just tell him how I truly feel about him ?! I don't want to ruin our friendship .! What if I tell him , and our friendship goes away , I can't just lose my Bestfriend that I known forever .

I went to go call my bestfriend Ashley , I haven't known her as long ad Liam , but we're still really close & I can tell her everything . I had to tell someone about my feelings for Liam , before I get more stressed about it .

I asked Ashley if she could come over . She said she'll be here in half n hour . I decided to take that time & clean my living room . See I graduated high school a year early and I just couldn't take living with my parents .. And no I'm not under aged , I'm actually 18 .. So I'm allowed to live alone.! Sometimes Liam spent the night with me in my apartment. We would stay up all night & watched movies & just talked ..

Damn , I want to be his , I want him to be mine .. I can just picture is being the perfect couple .. I started to think about it , then I hear a knock on the door and Ashley screaming my name to open the door , because it was really cold out .! I realized I hadn't really cleaned anything , I'm a real clean freak . Why was my house so dirty ? Ashley started talking , and again I was off in my own little world ..! Ashley started to snap in my face to get my attention .. "What? Sorry what'd you say?" I spoke finally ..


"What? Sorry what'd you say?" Kourtney said ..  

I could tell something was wrong with her . Kourt's eyes were so red , and she was sweating , she never sweats ? I started getting more worried. She led me into her bedroom so we could talk..

" Ashley thanks for coming over .. I really need to get this off my chest before I get more stressed out about this " kourtney said ..

"Anytime , what's up-". Before I could say anything else , she cut me off "Ashley I'm in love with Liam" .. I known Liam for a while , to be honest he was hot .. I didn't have a crush on him or anything but damn ! When she said that I was speechless !

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