Chapter 11

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( A/N ok , soo i'm writing this chapter for about the second or third time now .. I was about done the first time but it got deleted because Mozilla decided to crash on me , now this time i was pressing the shift button and it all got erased ?! I'm pissed off and on top off that , i'm having problems with my jaw & it hurts really bad so i'm in a bit of pain .. I'll try and make it as good as it was when i wrote it before .. Love you guys )



I saw Liam kiss someone on the interview .. I didn't know what to do , I ran in my room . I locked the door behind me and sat in a corner crying my eyes out! He said he loved me , he said he didn't want to hurt me ? Was that all a lie ? I heard Ashley's foot steps running toward my room " Kourt please open the door ! Come one we'll watch movies and eat ice cream ? Come out and talk to me .. Don't cry over Liam , he's not worth your tears " Ashley's last words made me cry even more , just because she didn't know what i was going through , she didn't need to say that !

I woke up , my head pounding it felt like i had a hangover ! I didn't remember anything that happened ? I was on the floor , and it was all coming back to me ... Liam kissing the girl , me running away to my room , Ashley trying to get me to come out to talk ! I heard my phone buzzing getting me out of my thoughts and tears , i rubbed my tears away causing my vision to blur . I didn't want to get up to get my phone off of the bed side table , but i had to use the bathroom so i got up and took my phone . That was my first mistake !

I had 4 twitter mentions , 10 missed calls and about 60 missed calls .. I wanted to be left alone and die in a corner with out talking to anyone . I realized my fingers were unlocking my phone screen and pressing on the missed calls , 3 were from Ashley and 7 were from Liam .. Onto the text messages , they were pretty much Ashley texting me how i'm doing and other things the rest were from Liam . One of his text's caught my eyes ......

From: Turtle;) <3 ~ Kourt are you okay ? Why aren't you calling me back , did i do something ? I talked to Ash and she sounded mad at me and worried ? What happened .. Please talk to me babe ? I love you Kourt xx

Those words , they were lies ! I knew they were lies , he wouldn't have kissed some girl ! I sat on my bathroom floor re-reading that message , tears flowed down my cheeks. I was so pissed off ! How could he do that and say i love you ? Again my phone went off , i thought it was on silent ? I looked at the caller ID , it was Ashley .

" Kourt ? How ya' doing ? I left some Nandos in the fridge , i left last night around 11:00 , thought you needed some space . I'm a call away if you did me , love ya babes " I couldn't say anything , i just kept crying hearing the message ..

After being in the bathroom for what felt like hours , I went down to the kitchen and got the Nandos Ashley left me . I took it and went to the living room and turned on the television . It was almost 8:00 so the X-Factor was coming on soon . I watched it to support Liam and the boys ! Right now the news were on for the entertainment .. " In other news , has romance started in the X-Factor . Liam Payne from One Direction had an interview yesterday and kissed single act Cher Lloyd .? Hmm , I sure didn't expect this , and I'm sure no one has as well .. Is all of this real ? I'm Jimmy Johnson and now it's time for the X-Factor"

I could not watch it anymore ! I ran into my room and locked the door . I found myself crawled up in a corner of my room , with tears running down my face again ! I heard my phone go off again, the caller ID said it was Liam . I didn't know i answered it , my body has full control over me now !

" Kourtney ? Babe are ok .. I'm sorry , Ashley told me everything , just please talk to m- " I finally got the courage to speak .. Well yell at the top of my lungs ..

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