Chapter 26

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The snack counter lady worker person turned around to help us. I was all ready to order my pop-corn and medium Dr. Pepper, when I saw her face and name-tag.... What a pleasant surprise.....


I blacked out after that. All I wanted was to have a fun relaxing day with the boys. Then I see the bitch who was my 'best friend' at the movies. Me practically forced to talk to her because she works here.

I heard shouts and calls. My name and everything. "KOURTNEY GET OFF HER!" "NIALL GO GET THE OTHER TWO NOW!" "Help me. Get this pysco off of me!!!" "She's ripping my hair!" "KOURT!!!" "LOVE, GET OFF"

I wanted her to be ruined! I had enough of her, first she says really rude things about me, then she says she wants to 'say sorry' and the next thing I know I have her coffee dripping on me.I wasn't letting her go that easy this time. I'll do anything it takes to get Ashley back!

After about I think 10 minutes, about 5 guys had to come and get me off of her. They threw me towards Liam, Zayn, Niall and Louis and Harry. "HA BITCH!!!! YOU GET WHAT YOU DE-" A hand was thrown onto my mouth. Really guys?

"Ew, Liam control your girl friends tongue would ya. Kourt that's nasty!" Zayn said in disgust.

I pulled out of the lads grip and charged after Ashley as she was taken to see the doctor person. I jumped on her back and pushed her down on the floor. I kept pulling her hair and punching her head. I had much more anger, but hey this girl I think she's had enough. I got back up and ran towards the boys, with a few more pieces of Ashley's hair. Oops, I don't really like pulling hair in fights, but she gets what she deserves.

"Babe, you need to relax. Why'd you fight her?" Liam asked concerned but with slight humor in his voice.

"Long story short... She said harsh words, she wanted to say sorry, we meet up and next thing I know I have her coffee all over me?" I answered and all the boys nodded. "Oh and she was my 'best friend'" I added.

"Well thanks to your little brawl, we can't watch the movie.." Harry butted in and earned a slap on the head.

"THAT WAS THE FUNNIEST THING I'VE EVER SAW!!!!!" Niall and Louis shouted in unison. Which I might add was funny.. Just how they said it, it was just so funny. After they said that, Niall acted like me while Louis acted like Ashley. Niall told Liam and Harry to straighten out their arms and connect them by the tips of the fingers. Louis stood on one said while Niall was on the other. Niall was jumping over their arms and 'attacked' Louis, while Louis was screaming and pleading. If they acted the way I supposedly fought her then yeah they're right, it is funny.


Oh god, that was the funniest thing I've ever seen! Kourtney beat her ass. I only saw Kourt fight Danielle, that was pretty funny to, but this one is in like the top 5 funniest, bad ass fights ever! I swear I thought Kourtney was literally going to kill Ashley! We wouldn't want that, there would be a dead person, and our best friend in jail. That would suck.

Kourtney didn't even have a thing on her. She looked, well still looked like Kourtney. No scratches, cuts, blood - except Ashley's -, or bruises.


I thought she promised not to fight anymore? I get that she couldn't hold back on Ashley, but she went for more when Ashley was being taken away. I know Kourtney can keep promises, why didn't she keep this one? I was more mad about that then her getting in a fight. Confusing, I know..I just wanted Kourtney to keep that promise. She lasted about a month with no fighting after Danielle left, I thought she was done..

"Kourt.. Can I talk to you?" I asked her. I wanted to know. Know everything.. Everything that happened.

"Sure" I grabbed her wrist and brought her to the side by the popcorn.

"What happened to the promise you made me Kourt? The promise you would stop getting into fights. I want to know what happened with that promise and everything that happened with you and Ashley.."

"I didn't forget our promise Liam. I tried to keep it, I swear.. But I just.. just wanted to get her back!" She breathed and continued.

"Liam, you don't know how badly she hurt me! She was my... my best friend! Best friend's don't say that shit to best friends!" I looked up from the ground and saw tears falling down her cheeks.

I brought her in my arms and said, "Kourt, it's okay. I'm sorry, I overreacted and I was stupid. I just don't want you to get in any more fights. That's not the Kourtney I know and fell in love with. What happened with you and Ashley? You don't have to tell me, if you don't want to, I just want you to know I'm here and I just want you to be alright."

Kourtney didn't say anything. She continued to let the tears come out and fall onto my shirt. It didn't bother me. I would let her cry in all my shirts.

"How about we go back to the rest of the boys now, yeah?"I asked her after her breathing got back to normal. She simply nodded her head.


I woke up to see a sleeping Niall basically on top of me and Kourtney no where to be seen. The first thought that popped into my head was 'What happened last-', then it got interrupted by the smell of bacon. Hmm. Someone's cooking. I looked to my right at the clock and read '8:30'. Damn, I'm up early. I pushed the sleeping Irish lad off me and onto the floor. I walked to the kitchen to see no one but Kourtney. She didn't hear me walk in, so I snuck up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist and put my head on her shoulder.

"Good morning hobo." She said smiling down at her shoulder.

"Good morn- Wait did you just call me hobo?"

"You heard me correctly hobo" She laughed that loud and cute laugh of hers.

"Just kiss me, you retard." I chuckled. Then she turned herself around and she kissed me. After we parted Kourtney said, "You know 'retard' is not nice! Some people get called that as a rude name. Don't say that." I laughed so hard, I almost fell. I felt like Niall for a moment. I stopped when I noticed she wasn't laughing.

"Oh, you were serious." She then let out a 'hmm'. Well then.

"Kourt, I'm sorry." I picked her up and put her on the island in the kitchen. She looked down at her feet, not looking at me nor in my eyes.

"Fine, if your not going to talk to me, I'll just have to do this." I knew what I was doing. I threw her over my shoulder and was running toward the back door.

"LIAM!! MY FOOD IS COOKING." She said punching my back. " LIAM PLEASE! LIAM JAMES FUCKING PAYNE!!! PUT ME DOWN OR I WILL NEVER KISS YOU EVER AGAIN!!!!!" I put her down, expecting a kiss.. No. She ran back inside. Ran, laughing inside. Oh Kourtney, Kourtney.

"No kiss?"

"Sorry. My food is cooking."

"So it's just your food now?"

"Yep, I was gunna' share, but some boy decided to bring me outside."

I merely laughed. This is why I love her. That's exactly what I told her after she said that.


"WE'RE GOING TO A WATER PARK!!!!!!" Harry shouted from his room.

Everyone cheered. I looked over at Kourtney and she looked upset. Something was wrong, she loved water parks. She's hardly ever insecure about her body. What's up with her.

"Zayn, can I talk to you.. in private?" I heard that familiar voice say, I looked up just in case. Yep she was talking to Zayn in the other room. I saw tears welling in her eyes and Zayn had a shocked look.

The hell did she just say?


Sorry for the wait. I've been reading a fanfic latley. Anyways here it is Chapter 26. Sorry for a short chapter.. Please don't stop reading :'( (:

What do you think Kourtney is upset about? COMMENT what you think..

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~ Taylor xox

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