Ch-6 (Mesmerizing Yet Heart-Breaking)

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"Well then, excuse us, Tomioka!" exclaimed Uzui. 

Giyuu's pupils shrunk and he flinched. 

He tried to break away eye contact right away and was fiddling with his hands, looking at the ground like a nervous child.

Giyuu was then, unconsciously singing a quite lullaby to himself to calm down. 

"Nee San's always here for her little bro..."

"...But why is he always so slow?"

"Oka-San and Otou-San are happy, in the sky..."

"The sky as blue as Giyuu and Nee-San's eyes..." 

"Nee-San's found love in her life..."

"Nee-San's gonna be a happy wife..."

"Giyuu's gonna be a cool uncle..." 

"Since for the Tomioka family, there's never a hurdle..."

"Now, don't be scared of the thunder..."

"Because for Nee-San and Giyuu, there's never a hurdle..." 

"Wow, rock-star! Care to whisper any louder?"

Giyuu flushed red and looked embarrassed. 

"I'm really sorry..."

All the Hashira except Muichiro and Kyojuro were chuckling at Giyuu's habit. 

"Mhm! Uzui San! I suggest leaving Giyuu alone for now!" 

"Th-thanks, a-a-aniki..." 

Suddenly, Uzui heard an unsettled and nostalgic noise from Giyuu's heart. 

In fact, he could hear an excerpt of Giyuu's thoughts for a split second. 

'Kyojuro Aniki's just like Tsutako Nee-San...'

'Just like her...' 

'I miss her.'

'So much.' 

The noise suddenly became a heavy one.

'Why not me?'


The heavy noise was one of heartbreak, loss, and despair in a disturbing tune with reoccurring bits of self-loathe. 

Uzui was unsettled, and deeply disturbed because of one of the more unnoticed bits in Giyuu's tune. 

Horrifyingly clear yet hidden tunes of...

...self harm. 

All of the Hashira, even Muichiro, noticed how the noisy, loud, and obnoxious Uzui went pale and silent, covering his ears, and facing down.

"I-I'm sorry for your loss, Tomioka..." 

"Wha-what do you mean?"

"For your elder sister and parents..."

"Oh, don't be sorry..."

"Sometimes, you just can't control fate..." 

Now, even the Hashira could sense how sad Giyuu was. 

How his voice broke at the end of the sentence. 

Then, they saw a sight.

A sight which was mesmerizing. 

Mesmerizing, yet heart-breaking. 

It was...

...truly magical. 

They looked as wisteria petals danced and floated gracefully in the air, despite it not being windy, and as the petals formed the structure of a young lady, who was behind Giyuu. 

The magical figure held her hands out from behind, and onto Giyuu's face.

"Calm down, Giyuu..."

"It wasn't your fault..."

The Hashira were shocked to the core be what happened next. 

Even Muichiro. 

"No, no, no, it was..."

"It was my fault..."

"I'm too weak..."

"I should be dead..." 

The Water Pillar, who didn't seem to know that he was in a Pillar Meeting, facing his comrades...  

...was crying.

His voice was extremely coarse. 

His fellow Demon Slayer noticed his red and baggy eyes, and his pale skin.  


"You need it, Giyuu..."

"I'll sing you to sleep..."

"Nee San's always here for her little bro..."

"...But why is he always so slow?"

"Oka-San and Otou-San are happy, in the sky..."

"The sky as blue as Giyuu and Nee-San's eyes..."

"Nee-San's found love in her life..."

"Nee-San's gonna be a happy wife..."

"Giyuu's gonna be a cool uncle..."

"Since for the Tomioka family, there's never a hurdle..."

"Now, don't be scared of the thunder..."

"Because for Nee-San and Giyuu, there's never a hurdle..."

"No need to shoulder it alone..."

"Tell them..."

"Your smile is the brightest that ever shone..."

"Sleep now, my little droplet..." 

The strange being of petals whispered the words in a delicate voice, before fading away. 

The Hashira stared in horror as the Water Pillar dropped to the ground. 



To be continued! 

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