Ch-13 (Furious Flashbacks And A Trip To Trash Town)

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As you guys know, the number thirteen is the literal embodiment of bad luck, so I decided to make this chapter more of a little thingy? Bonus? Whatever, but it's cool, I guess? 

Ehn, anyways, don't mind me! Just read on! =u=

It was a dark, stormy, and cold day.

The entire village's population was 'mourning' the sweet Tsutako Tomioka, a beautiful young girl, who had been ruthlessly slaughtered before her wedding day. Her husband seemed to have dragged down to the cliff and left there to bleed out, and the young girl's only surviving family.

The said girl had a younger brother, Giyuu, who was the ray of sunshine in town. He would help people with their losses and heartbreak, and give them advice and the brightest smile.

His happiness was infectious, as him laughing would make the entire town light up.

He had helped everyone in the village at least once.

The Tomioka siblings were true angels.

And now, one of them was deceased, while the other had been mumbling non-stop on how a 'demon' had killed his family again.

He couldn't stop shivering and crying.

Now, when he would sleep, it would be very light, unlike his usual deep naps, from which he would either wake up himself or have water thrown on him by Tsutako.

"This is too stressful for us beautiful ladies!", a woman whispered.

"That Giyuu kid's taken away all of our attention!" another said.

"How can we spread juicy gossip if the village is busy mourning a sorry bunch of nobodies!?!"

"Excuse me?" an 'innocent' voice spoke. 

Ketsueki Sanran-Tai, the most beautiful girl in the village, was there. 

The woman's name literally meant 'Blood Scatterer', but nobody paid any attention to that fact. 

Truth be told, she had murdered her own sister, and then parents in cold blood, even throwing them off a cliff, as she was jealous of the attention they got when they three had survived a life-threatening illness. 

But no one suspected the sweet girl for such a grizzly murder, after all, it was their Ketsu, the kind beauty! 

No one...

...except Tsutako, and Giyuu. 

Which made Ketsueki all the more joyous when Tsutako died. 

"This is a good chance to have that Giyuu brat killed, or kicked out at least."

"Um, you know, I saw him cackling at my parents' graves, mocking them, as if to rub it in, yesterday, on their death anniversary!"  

"He'd destroyed their gravestone, but I had another one lying around, just in case!" 

Gasps were heard throughout the room. 

"How could he!?!"

"No wonder his sister died!"

And many insensitive comments more. 

The next morning, all the young men had arrived to where Giyuu was sleeping. 

"Well, boys, he did a horrendous thing to our poor Ketsu, so you know what to do..." 

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