A/N: MY Answers To YOUR Questions!

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A/N: Any Iruma-Kun fans here?

My answers to all the questions celestialbluebird20 asked:

1. What is your favorite flower?

Buttercups since those are the flowers in bloom above my late dog and late bird's graves. Plus, they smell very nice and look cute!

2. What is your favorite color?

All of them, but the ones I love the most are probably baby blue/ light pink!

3. What is your favorite animal?

I'm a total dog person who loves a bunch of other animals as well! 

4. What is your favorite fruit?

Pears! They're just AWESOME!

5.Do you have any other brothers or sisters?

Yes I do! In fact, I have seven (counting all the cousins and stuff, plus, the eighth is gonna be born in December) brothers and two sisters. 

6. Do you have any other pets?

We feed this stray, so I guess he counts?

7. Do you have a crush?

I have no IRL crushes, but like, SO MANY fictional crushes! 

8. What is your Zodiac sign?

Taurus (MOO!)

9. What is your nickname?

Kippy is one of my MANY nicknames, but I think it's the most petite and cute one! Thus, my fave! ^w^

10. What is your pet's name?

My pet's name is Boba! (Late dog was named Zora, and late bird was named Burb)

11. What ship in KNY do you ship the most?

 Zenzuko/Giyushino ^3^

12. What's the scariest dream you've ever had?

I was five, and my stupid brother had shown me a horror movie before sleep. So I'd dreamed of vampires chasing me. 

13. What's the weirdest thought you've ever had?

"Can I write using my mouth?"

14. What is your favorite anime?

Cells at Work and Demon Slayer! I just can't pick one!

15. Has someone ever confessed to you?

I remember, a couple of years back, a kid had scribbled 'I love you *Author-Chan's real name*' on his desk with doodles of hearts around it. 

Yeah, I wanted to reject him (since he was kinda a jerk), and was like, 'yaknow what? we'll be shifting classes in a month' and just avoided him to avoid drama. 

16. Do you wish you had a sister instead of a brother?

Sometimes, actually, no, scrap that, MANY times!

17. Do you wish you were older than your brother?

Nah, Since I'm my family's 'wittle smol sunshine', I wouldn't wanna compromise on that! XD 

18. Who is your Wattpad friend?

IsabelleAmastacia, celestialbluebird20, BerriAnime, ThePerfectIdiot_20, Invisible506, AnnoyingQuirkie, and Ayzheofheart5159.

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