The moment that Aidan was sound asleep – when he was in a deep the moment that I would enact my plan.
I was resting against his chest in an uncomfortable position. His arms were draped around my stomach keeping me in place next to him. I would strain my ears to listen for his barely noticeable shallow breathing – a clear sign that he was finally sleeping tonight. I resisted the urge to remain still, even when I could feel the soft exhale of his breath falling onto my exposed neck, which was by his face.
Usually, Aidan was a light sleeper. If I so much as shifted my legs, he would make a sly comment. It would be something along the lines of 'If you don't stop moving, I'll feed you those sleeping aids forcefully'
I had gotten used to not moving on the bed – to not shift any of my limbs, or even twitch a finger in fear that he would feel it on the mattress.
Like I was trapped in his web and he was the spider that would be able to feel any smallest, insignificant vibrations of its prey.
I swallowed nervously, forcing that analogy to the dark pits of my mind. I then began to maneuver his arms so they weren't holding me, going inch by inch every second. I took my time, not willing to take the risk of what would happen if he woke up.
Reaching for a pillow that was off to the side by the head of the bed, I lifted his arms slowly and then substituted my position with it.
Aidan pulled the pillow against him in his sleep, greedily accepting it...most likely thinking it was me.
I held back a shiver that threatened to travel down my spine violently before I cautiously slid off the bed. The silky pajamas I was wearing, the only thing that I could wear to bed, made a silent hissing noise against the sheets. It caused a small amount of static friction to be heard, and my eyes traveled back to the barely lit up silhouette of Aidan's sleeping body in the dark room.
I swallowed nervously, listening intently in the room for any signs of him waking up. After a few moments of not hearing anything, I began to tip toe over to the door. I stopped directly to the side, examining the thing that I needed to more or less hack my way through. I strained my eyes to see the barely lit up panel that would activate the door.
Lifting up the panel, I ignored the barely audible squeak that resonated from the device being moved. I could see a series of wires that were differently colored from each other. They were elegantly organized instead of the mess that I was expecting.
There was a black and green one. There was also a red one, along with some yellows and whites that caused my eyebrows to furrow in mild confusion. I blinked my eyes once, taking in the sight in front of me, before blinking a few more times.
Black – that meant the ground.
No -- the red one could also be the ground...
The white and yellows might be relays but -- !
I almost wanted to scream at myself for not remembering which wire was which. My hand pushed back some of the hair that had fallen in front of my face in irritation. I looked at one wire and then the next, as though staring at it would have given me the right answer.
This had to have been a basic wiring schematic...somehow.
I bit my lip in thought and looked around for something that I could cut the wires with. Aidan made sure to hide anything sharp that could be used as a weapon.
I creeped over to the bathroom and slowly opened up a drawer that contained a nail clipper. I held it up in the air, before nodding my head in satisfaction that it would be capable of performing the job.

TerrorHe wanted her; She'd always tell -- "I hope that you burn forever in hell." He has her in his grasp; This type of duo was never meant to last. Story excerpt: "You don't know how to shoot a gun." I raised my eyebrows in surprise - that's what he was...