I had to duck underneath Xavier's arm to escape my house since he was blocking the front door way. It was bad enough that I needed to sneak down the hallway to avoid Bella in case she emerged from her room, and my father was luckily still sleeping at this hour.
Xavier, however, seemed to be an early bird -- it was a strange trait that I've learned to absolutely hate over the past couple of months since living with him.
Either he was an early bird or he hardly ever slept.
"Off to see Aidan?" Xavier asked with a knowing grin.
I held my shoulder bag close to my chest and couldn't help but frown at his words at the way he said it – I didn't enjoy going to see him. I had hoped that he would see reason and would finally sign those paper so that I could be free of him. I never received them yet, and so this visit would be reminding him to do the right thing and that was it.
Xavier then let out a small sigh and shook his head as he placed a hand to his head dramatically.
Always one for theatrics – Zander should invite him to one of his improv groups...
Wherever he and Mila were.
"I don't see why you think talking to him will sign those papers any faster..." Xavier stated.
"I need him to let me go..." I spoke over to him.
My circumstances have changed since the last time that I had visited Aidan in jail – I was in a relationship and no matter how much Rafael argued that it didn't bother him that I was legally married...it bothered me.
Xavier stared at me, frozen in his exaggerative pitying stance for a few more seconds. He suddenly stood straight, all signs of him joking around had disappeared. He was calm and composed, and practically stoic when he said his next words: "Are you sure you don't want me to accompany you-?"
"Rafael is coming with me," I responded with a thin smile. "I'm heading over to his apartment, now."
"I think it's odd..." Xavier rubbed his chin and narrowed his eyes off in the distance. "All this time and I haven't once met him." I shrugged my shoulders at his words – it wasn't my fault that Rafael tended to be busy most of the time. I wouldn't say that he was actively trying to avoid meeting my half-brother, but there just wasn't a good time for him to. "I haven't once met your boyfriend!" He yelled with a pout, even stomping his foot for effect.
I instinctively brought a hand up to my lips, silently telling him to quiet down.
If Bella knew where I was going, then she would say it was a waste of my time. If my father found out then he would sit me down and have a gentle conversation about patience.
No one understood that I didn't want to be associated with Aidan anymore.
"Every one's met him except for me..." Xavier muttered out as he crossed his arms. He looked at the ground, a dangerous and mischievous grin was growing there. I heard him let out a low chuckle as he shook his head. "Aidan is going to be so mad when he finds out."
"He isn't going to find out..." I stated, completely sure of myself.
Things didn't go well for the last boyfriend that I had – for Jack.
"Hmm," Xavier hummed. "Well, you have my number if you need me."
I nodded my head and turned around, venturing out further into the front yard – "Okay."
"I mean it, Arianna!" Xavier called out.
I kept walking down the sidewalk and waved my goodbye to him – "I know!"

HorrorHe wanted her; She'd always tell -- "I hope that you burn forever in hell." He has her in his grasp; This type of duo was never meant to last. Story excerpt: "You don't know how to shoot a gun." I raised my eyebrows in surprise - that's what he was...