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I was quiet, but alert as I was being led down the hallway – it didn't take us long to round a corner to a more open area. I realized that I hadn't been too far away from getting to the next section before I was confronted and apprehended by Rafael. I was marking a mental map inside of my brain and focused on how many doors there were in the next area we had wandered down.

We took another turn and we made it to an open space – it was clear that this was either a break room or a kitchen of some kind. Much like the rest of this place, the walls, ceiling, and flood were all constructed out of a metal material. There were absolutely no signs of any windows, and I could only conclude that I was being kept underground...somewhere.

There were metal foldable chairs and a steel table that we were approaching.

Once I had been sat down at a metal foldable chair at the steel table...I found that I wasn't able to move. It wasn't as though I had been tied down or anything like that...I didn't have the energy to lift even a finger.

My arms were resting on the table, placing most of my upper body strength on my forearms in order to keep my head up – it was as though everything that I had experienced up until now was hitting me all at once. It was absolutely exhausting to think of the men I had killed, Sofia's death, and finding out that Rafael, my boyfriend, was a criminal mastermind.

"I have a nutritious diet prepared for you, Arianna..." Rafael called as he headed deeper into the room.

I remember before sitting down that the other side of the room had cabinets, which were also metal, and a stainless steel fridge, along with other appliances. Once side of the room had been separated by a metal counter, and that was the only barrier that was presently between Rafael and me.

I blinked my eyes tiredly...the faint taste of copper was still in my mouth – a good reminder of what Rafael was capable of doing to me in response for my disobedience. I must have bit the inside of my cheek from when he slapped me...

Not wanting to fall asleep in front of Rafael, I kept blinking my eyes, attempting to keep them open. I needed to be aware and note what he was doing --

I was unware of when I had fallen asleep and instead woke up violently when Rafael slammed his hand on the table directly beside my head. I flinched harshly and shot my eyes open as I looked fearfully up at him with wide eyes.

I didn't want to show any fear – this overstimulating day and lack of sustenance was taking a toll on my body.

"You fell asleep on me there..." Rafael smiled coldly at me in a deceitfully calm voice.

I wasn't able to take my eyes off of him and could only swallow whatever saliva I still had left in my mouth. It wasn't a surprise when I still mostly tasted the copper taste of blood that resided there. Breathing out to control my emotions and trembles that wanted to show themselves...I sat up slowly and looked over at the white, plain plate that he was holding in his hand.

My eyes widened when I found that it was a plate of white rice.

It was one of my least favorite dishes, and he knew this about me. Aside from fruit and soup, which were an acquired hate...I never liked rice at all. The texture of it sent a wave of disgust through me and I couldn't help but imagine that I was eating tiny worms when they were in my mouth. 

The fact that he was trying to make me eat this was another indication that he didn't respect me at all.

I darted my eyes over to him and began to plead with him – "P-Please-!"

"You need to get your strength up..." Rafael commented sternly, leaving me with no other choice than to be quiet and listen to him. I shut my mouth promptly and then looked down at the table. He set the white plate with the white, unappetizing food in front of me. "I expect you to eat it all and if you don't eat it then..." he trailed and clicked his tongue with something akin to disappointment and disapproval. "Well, then you will have a rough time."

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