iv. adventures on jakku

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IT WAS STILL DARK OUT as Commander Nova Solo slowed to a stop on the stolen speeder, her spirits much higher than they had been since the crash. Not too far away was an outpost illuminated with various hanging lights, and while it was practically abandoned for the night, she could see a few figures still moving about in the tent-filled town. All she needed to do was get her comlink back online so she could send a tracking beacon; surely one of the few beings wandering about would agree to help her if need be (and if not, well, she could improvise).

She sat there for a few minutes, simply observing, formulating what was at least a basis of a plan. She observed the movements of those who remained, and searched for any sign of First Order activity (because she knew for a fact they'd still be looking for her; for all she knew, she could be walking right into a trap). Only when she was absolutely certain there was little to no threat did she dismount the speeder and approach the outpost on foot.

A few heads turned as she entered the outpost, but their eyes didn't linger on the woman for long; they quickly went back to minding their own business, allowing her to pass through without incident. While she kept an eye on her surroundings, her main focus was the search for something—anything—that would help her fix her comlink, and the sooner the better.

It had recently come to her attention that it had been well over a day since she had slept last; her bruises from the Troopers and muscle aches from the crash were growing to be even more of a painful nuisance than before; and not that she'd ever say it, but she was worried. Worried she'd get recaptured, worried Poe and Finn were dead, worried the First Order already had BB-8 and the map; she hadn't felt like that since the incident at the temple and, well, that hadn't exactly ended happily, had it?

The sound of nearby movement pulled her back into reality, and her gaze snapped to her left, where a figure was approaching her directly. She moved her dominant hand to rest on her holster, preparing herself for anything. The last thing she needed was any more conflict.

"Easy," said the figure, who had apparently noticed her preparations, raising his hands as a sign of good faith. He stepped forward and out of the shadows, revealing himself as an older man.
"I don't mean any trouble. Somethin' I can help you with?"

"What makes you think that?" she asked defensively. She made the fair assumption that most people on Jakku didn't just offer help to strangers unless there was something in it for them.

"Well, you're lookin' pretty worse for wear, you're clearly with the Resistance—" He gestured to the red-stitched logo on her jacket, which rested right on top of her thumping heart.
"And a few First Order troopers came through just before dusk lookin' for a few Resistance officers. Seems like ya need some help to me." Nova narrowed her eyes as she studied the man, still trying to decide if she could trust him or not.

"And why should I trust you?" she asked casually, tapping her fingers on her holster.

"If I wasn't worth trusting, I woulda stunned ya from behind rather than approaching head-on, wouldn't I?" he countered, gesturing to his own blaster, which was attached to his belt. She considered his words; he did have a point.

"My comlink's dead," she finally told him, allowing her hand to leave the blaster.
"I need to charge it so I can send out a tracking beacon."

"Well, there's parts everywhere, but I recommend starting over here." He gestured for her to follow, and they moved through the outpost for just a moment, stopping in front of a table littered with electronics.
"This right here—" He patted a large metal box a few times for emphasis.
"—should have all ya need." Nova nodded, opening the box, though she looked back to him rather than searching through it just yet.

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