vi. family ties

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"YOU MEAN TO TELL ME one measly pilot was able to escape from an entire battalion of Troopers?!" General Hux glowered at the two Stormtroopers standing before him, nearly shaking with rage. He didn't expect a bloody pilot to be so troublesome.

"He wasn't alone," one of the Troopers managed to get out, standing as straight as he could as he looked across at his superior. He and his comrade tried very, very hard not to look over at the Sith Lord standing beside Hux. Under his mask, Kylo Ren was staring at them with just as much intensity as the general, but for a completely different reason. It wasn't the pilot he cared about.
"We were intercepted, he was saved by a friend from the Resistance."

"That still does not answer my question," seethed Hux.
"How did they escape?" The Troopers exchanged a hesitant glance, one that was enough to tell Kylo Ren all he needed to know. The second Trooper chose to reply, pushing his shoulders back just as his friend had moments before.

"It was the Jedi, General. She used a mind trick—" He cut himself off as the Sith Lord stormed past them and off the bridge. Hux gave them one last glare before following after him.

"You know what this means, don't you?" called the general as he made an effort to catch up to the fallen Jedi.
"You said she wasn't going to be an issue!" Kylo Ren stopped in his tracks, spinning around to face Hux just as he managed to catch up.

"And she won't be. She may be closer to the Force than I originally assumed, but that does not mean her powers match mine."

"They once did, what's to say they won't now?" Hux challenged, glaring up at Ren.
"Your mother is a Resistance General, your father was seen with the droid, and now your sister is involved. I'm starting to wonder whether—"

"They mean nothing to me."

"And if your sister proves to be a threat to the success of the First Order?"

"Then she will be dealt with."

⋆☆.* ✧✰ .✦⋆*☆

STARS STREAKED BY AS THE X-WINGS travelled through hyperspace, Takodana and the mission growing closer with each passing second. Heading the group were two Wings in particular, marked with their own distinct stripes; Nova Solo, also known as Red Leader, had a red line painted clean across her ship, and Poe Dameron, who went by the call sign of Black Leader, had a pristine black stripe decorating his. They flew in front of the rest, but that didn't mean they were any less nervous—in fact, they were probably the most nervous of the bunch.

"Hey Solo?" Nova blinked a few times, her gaze flicking to the com device. She and Poe were on their own private channel for the duration of the flight (because not that either of them would admit it, but they comforted each other).

"Yeah Dameron?"

"You doin' okay?"

"A little nervous, not gonna lie. Still hurt like hell. You?" He let out a small chuckle.

"Yeah, me too. We'll have our droid soon, then it'll all be over."

"'Til the next battle," Nova murmured.
"Since when were you the optimistic one?"

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