xi. "mechanic-y things"

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NOVA HAD MIXED FEELINGS as she landed in the transport hangar. Part of her was glad to be back with the Resistance, but the other part of her saw the damage that had been done, not to mention the fleet of First Order ships she had to dodge just to land. She knew the Resistance was resilient, but she was having a hard time seeing a way out of this particular mess.

As the hatch of her X-Wing swung open and she stood to climb out, she was surprised to see that she wasn't alone, as a few members of the command staff had come to meet her. Standing front and center was a woman Nova knew well, one who had been a part of the Resistance since the very beginning.

"Vice Admiral Holdo," she greeted with an air of surprise, climbing down from her ship. It wasn't that she wasn't glad to see her, as she regarded the woman highly, but her appearance had been unexpected.

"Nova, it's good to see you," Amilyn Holdo replied, and while she wore a smile, Nova could see the worry written across her face.

"It's good to see you too, though I wish it were under better circumstances. I...I felt it happen, how's she doing?"

"She's stable, but unconscious." Nova nodded, though the woman's words did little to ease her nerves.

"What happened?" Holdo gestured with her head for the younger woman to follow, and the two set out toward the corridor, the small group following loosely behind.

Holdo explained it all: Poe's plan, the devastating losses during the battle, the First Order arriving moments after they fell out of hyperspace, and as she finished recalling the destruction of the command center, they reached the bridge, which was being used as a temporary command center for the time being. Nova slowed to a stop as they entered, her gaze falling upon the fleet of Destroyers stationed just outside—too far to do any damage but far too close for comfort. A shiver ran down her spine.

"We're running out of options," the woman finished solemnly, standing by Nova's side.

"I gotta admit, I'm not seeing many ways outta this that work in our favor."

"We're checking the system for any nearby planets or moons we can retreat to, but for now, there's nothing to do but wait," Holdo sighed, and Nova nodded in agreement. The older woman looked to her sympathetically. It was clear the young Jedi Knight had other things on her mind, not that she could blame her.

"Why don't you go see Leia? I'll let you know the moment we find something useful." Nova finally tore her gaze away from the glass, smiling just slightly at the vice admiral.

"Thank you." And with that, Nova headed straight for the medbay, though she only made it about halfway before running into a familiar face. Poe Dameron stopped in his tracks, Nova slowing to a stop just in front of him.

"Solo. I-I didn't know you were back." He was surprised to see her, but grateful nevertheless. It also seemed that her appearance had suddenly derailed a deep train of thought.

"I just landed a few minutes ago..." she replied dismissively, her brows furrowing in concern. Something wasn't right with him.
"Are you okay?"

"Me? Yeah, I'm fine. How, uh, how did everything go with Luke?" Nova crossed her arms over her chest, giving him a challenging look that anyone would have a hard time not crumbling under.

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