xix. the princess

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THERE WAS SOMETHING ABOUT THE MILLENIUM FALCON that brought Nova a great deal of comfort. The ship had been through hell time and time again; it had seen more battles than anyone could count, more wars than anyone should ever have to witness in one lifetime. It had been torn apart piece by piece for years and years, then someone would repair it only for even more damage to be done the next time, and the cycle would continue. In spite of all that, though, the Millenium Falcon continued to survive. It continued to fly, and to protect its passengers with everything it had.

Nova could relate to that.

"What's goin' on up there?" Poe asked gently from her side, finally stepping back from working on the landing gear. She didn't know much about the more technical matters of ships, but she could tell by his relaxed expression that he had managed to fix the problem.

"Just thinking," she sighed, turning away from the view that surrounded them and facing him fully.
"Before the Clone Wars, the galaxy had been at peace for centuries, but in the past sixty years there's been three different wars."

"I know," said Poe, setting his tools down on the grass and crossing his arms over his chest, leaning back against the now-repaired landing gear. They had been at it for at least an hour, repairing everything they could in the hopes of flying out to the old Death Star before nightfall. The work went faster with extra hands, and Jannah's crew of former First Order Troopers had proved to be quite helpful.
"We grew up hearing stories of the Civil War and here we are now..." He trailed off, but he didn't need to finish for Nova to understand his point perfectly. The pair stood there for a moment in silence as if honoring everything that had happened to get them to where they were, then Poe cleared his throat.
"You, uh, you think you can give me a hand in there? I wanna check out the..." This time he trailed off due to her amused expression.
"You don't really wanna hear the technical details, do you?"

"About as much as you'd wanna hear about Force meditation." He cracked a smile and the pair boarded the ship. He crouched down in one of the doorways and Nova sat close by, watching as he got to work and assisting him by handing over whatever tool he needed. It was as he was working with a few different wires that he spoke again.

"You ever think about what your life woulda been like without this war?"

"I've never really given it much thought, honestly. After everything at the Temple I was ready to leave the Force behind—hell, I probably would've had it not been for Jakku and everything after. I assume you've given it some thought since you asked?" He shrugged.

"I'd probably still be on Kijimi running scams for a living, flying rich people and giving most of their money to those who actually needed it." He paused, briefly glancing back at her.
"I'm only telling you this since you clearly read my file—thanks for that, by the way." A faint smile danced across Nova's lips.

"You're welcome. I guess that, in a way, this war helped us figure out who we really were."

"Yeah," Poe murmured.
"Never really thought about it that way. You rediscovered your connection with the Force, and I realized I was better off doing all this. And, ya know, if nothing else good came outta this, at least you met me." He turned away from the wires as he wrapped up his repairs, flashing her one of his famous smirks, to which she replied with a laugh.

"Yeah, whatever," she said with a contagious smile.
"You're forgetting you met me too, Flyboy. Admit it, your life wouldn't be nearly as fun without me in it."

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