xv. the aki-aki festival

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NOVA HAD READ EVERYTHING in Luke's personal notebook at least three times since she had received it the year before. Since she had pulled it from between a few of the sacred Jedi texts, she had combed through it, paying attention to every little detail in the hopes that something would help her bring an end to the First Order. Even as they flew she continued to read through his information on Kallen yet again, wanting to know every single thing she could about the investigation into his dealings. She sat in the main hold on the cushioned bench, hunched over the dejarik table as she flipped through the pages going over the words she had already read a number of times. Perhaps it was hope more than anything else, but she wanted to find something she might have missed that would help them on their quest.

Her mind soon drifted from her research, though, as she wasn't entirely alone in the hold. BB-8 was in the corner, sure, but what was really pulling her focus was the presence of Poe Dameron. He was sat across the room, and each time she looked up, she found him looking back at her—unlike back at the command post, though, he didn't look away when he noticed her looking. Finally she closed the book and sat back with a huff.

"Okay, what?" He blinked a few times.


"You very well know what, Flyboy. If you've got something to say, go ahead."

"It's just been so long since I've seen you away from base, I wanna make sure my eyes aren't playing tricks on me," he joked, but she wasn't amused in the slightest. She arched her brows at him and he let out a sigh of resignation.
"All right, fine, I...I know I've been a bit of a jerk recently—"

"A bit?"

"Do you want me to apologize or not?" She gestured for him to continue.

"Thank you. As I was saying, I know I've been a bit of a jerk lately, but if I'm being honest, it's because I missed you having my back. Yeah, I had Finn and Chewie and the others, but...it's just not the same, ya know? And I know what you've been doing's been important, but—"

"But you were upset I couldn't choose missions with you over the Jedi training and mission planning," she finished for him, much to his relief, as the words were becoming harder to say the more honest he got.

"Yeah," he murmured, sounding none too happy about admitting such a selfish thought.

"If it makes you feel any better, I did miss being out there on missions with you," Nova confessed, wearing the faintest of smiles. Poe leaned back in his seat, a smirk suddenly dancing across his lips.

"So you missed me?" The Jedi Knight scoffed, though her smile did become more prominent.

"That's not what I said—"

"That's basically what you said."

"Basically and exact aren't the same thing."

"You missed being on missions with me, that's basically you saying you missed me, it's like the same thing."

"I'm starting to think I spoke too soon."

"C'mon Solo, admit it, you missed me." She hesitated, then sighed.

"Okay, fine, I did miss you, but I'm only saying it because you said you missed me first." He feigned a look of surprise.

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