xxii. the war's end and epilogue

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THE FLIGHT BACK TO BASE was just as quiet as the flight into battle, but for completely different reasons. Finn and Nova were exhausted, both mentally and physically. Their bodies ached terribly and their heads had a million thoughts flying through them. The Resistance had prevailed. The casualties had been high. Leia was gone, Ben was gone. The Republic would be reinstated. The Jedi Order? Who the hell knew. Nova was the only one in her family left, but her found family had survived. Poe, Finn, Rey, Lando, Chewie...they were all okay. There was no more war, what the hell would they do now when all they had known was war? Would they reinstate the Jedi Order?

Nova kept thinking about that. It had been Luke's ambition to recreate the Jedi Order, to bring back the galaxy's protectors and peacemakers in full force, and now she had the opportunity to do just that. She could bring back the Jedi Order, she could make it into what it should have been to begin with, change the rules so they encouraged attachment just as much as they encouraged a strong connection with the Force. She had the power to do that, now.

She shook her head, though that did nothing to help clear her mind, not when it was spinning with so many thoughts. She looked to Finn.

"What are you going to do?" she asked him softly, and he looked up to her as he abandoned his own thoughts.
"Now that the war's over." She could tell from the look on his face that he had been thinking about it too. He took a breath and sat up a bit straighter.

"I'll go where you go," he told her confidently, which definitely managed to catch her off guard. He elaborated.
"War's all I've ever known. I was with the First Order before I could so much as walk, and even when I left the First Order, I ran headfirst into the Resistance. Now..."

"Now you have the ability to do whatever you want, anything you want. You're free."

"Which is why I choose to follow your lead." He cracked a small smile.
"You may not outrank me anymore, but you'll always be the best leader I've ever served under, the best mentor I've ever had. I know that whatever you're going to do is gonna to be huge, and that you'll need all the help you can get. Consider me your first volunteer." Nova all but gaped at him, and while her brain was spinning she couldn't seem to make any of those words come out of her mouth. Finally, she smiled and let out a small chuckle.

"All right, then." And suddenly, the idea of reforming the Jedi Order didn't look so intimidating.

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NOVA HAD NEVER SEEN THE BASE SO FULL OF LIFE. There were more ships on the planet's surface than ever before and people were everywhere, embracing, talking, laughing, and celebrating. As she stepped off the ship, she was met with a great deal of enthusiasm; everyone who saw her thanked her, patted her shoulder, all showing their gratitude and respect in one way or another. Lando and Chewie were quick to make their way through the crowds and they each embraced her in turn. Chewie had roared something about how they couldn't have won without her, and Lando smiled at her.

"You did it, kid. Han, Luke, Leia...they'd be so proud of you right now." Artoo, who was situated next to her, chirped in agreement and Nova nodded, wearing a smile of her own. They were all proud of her, she could feel it.

Lando and Chewie disappeared into the crowd, as did Finn, and Nova found herself distracted by a familiar beeping sound. She crouched down just in time to greet BB-8, beaming down at the little orange and white astromech.

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