v. flashes

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NOVA WITHDREW HER BLASTER as she and Poe sprinted across the shipyard, the two of them narrowly missing several shots fired by the Troopers. She fired aimlessly their way as to distract them, and it seemed to do the trick—or at least, it helped enough to get the two halfway to safety without any injuries. They stopped behind a ship, using it as cover so they could come up with some sort of plan.

"This is really not our day, is it?" Poe quipped loudly over the chaos.

"That's one way to put it," Nova replied.
"See that Starfighter there?" She pointed at the ship in question, the one Lando had cashed in that favor for.
"That's the one I came in. They're not trying to kill us, they want us alive, but they don't care if they hit our legs, meaning we have to move fast. When I say go, you head straight for the ship, and I'll cover you." Poe, in true Poe Dameron fashion, flashed a smirk her way.

"Ya know, you're pretty good at being in charge sometimes." And of course Nova, in true Nova Solo fashion, smirked right back.

"What do you mean 'sometimes'?" Then, focused back on the mission, she readied herself to fire.
"Ready?" Poe nodded, then:
"Go!" She leaned past her cover and began to fire round after round at the Troopers, allowing Poe to get to the ship and board without incident.

"I'm clear, get yourself out of there!" he called to her through the comlink, and she too began to run, turning on occasion to fire a few blasts. She was quick, and boarded just in time, for the Troopers had started sharpening their aim.

"Get us out of here, the TIEs'll be comin' in hot any minute!"

"Got it!" With that, she heard the engines roar to life and off they went, heading for the sky. She heard Poe chuckle, and couldn't help but smile herself.
"We're back. We're back," he said mostly to himself, but it did make Nova's heart leap with a certain sense of joy. She had missed it, him being in the captain's seat with her manning the guns. Everything felt like it was getting back to normal, that she was finally escaping the hell that had been their mission to Jakku.

Except it wasn't over just yet.

"Three TIEs on the scanner, you seein' 'em?" he called back to her, and just like that, there they came zipping towards them.

"Yeah, I see 'em. Just focus on your flying, Flyboy, I can handle 'em."

"I never doubted you!"

"You better not have!" she shouted to him teasingly. She focused on the targets just as she had so many times in the past, finding more delight than usual in the idea of shooting down a few TIE Fighters. Using the targeting system, she caught one of them and fired several times, hitting them in an instant—but she knew the others wouldn't be so easy.
"One down!" Her surroundings began to dim as they exited the atmosphere and entered space, and her targets were zipping in and out of range as quickly as they could, avoiding her guns.
"How much longer 'til we can make the jump?"

"Soon. Just hold 'em off a little longer."

"Got it." They continued to fire at her, and she fired back whenever they were in range enough, but nothing hit them enough to do any damage. It seemed that while First Order Troopers couldn't fire blasters very well, their pilots were unbelievably skilled. It was quite annoying, really.

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