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It was a beautiful, sunny day when I woke up today.  I felt good and full of energy.  My smile faded, but when I thought about the day before yesterday.
>> This party was way cooler than hanging out with you.  I mean, have you ever seen George's villa? <<, enthused Mick, >> You really are a loser. <<
I hit him afterwards and just lost control, but I'd rather regret doing something than doing nothing at all.  I never wanted our friendship to be destroyed.  We've been friends since fifth grade.  Maybe he didn't mean it, but I didn't apologize.

I didn't know what to think of Claire.  The identity crisis is to blame.  Tim is to blame for everything, but I also felt so betrayed even though I wasn't even with her.  The moment I found out from Rikki, I wanted to beat Liam up.  I counted every day, the days when this shit finally came to an end.

My parents were angry with me at the moment because my behavior kept attracting negative attention at school and at home.  They didn't know what was wrong with me.  Fortunately, my mother wasn't there, because that behavior towards her was hardened.  Only my father was here.  Almost a week has passed and my parents had conversations with each other about my behavior.
>> Hey Mill. <<, I greeted her as I went into the living room.
>> Hey Tom. <<

After eating oatmeal, I went jogging and listened to music and met Rikki who was doing the same.  The streets were empty and the weather turned rainy.  I stopped and went for a walk as normal.  Everything was so calm that I thought it wasn't real.  Suddenly someone tapped me and I turned around.  It was Tim grinning at me.  It was such a sneaky grin and since the Gaming Club I haven't really had anything to do with him.
>> Hey. << he greeted me.
>> Go! <<, Rikki said and rolled her eyes.
>> What do you want? << I asked irritably, at which he giggled.
>> I just wanted to say if you have any questions, feel free to ask me.
Don't you really wanna know your secret?  <<, said Tim casually.

>> Yes. << I answered confidently.  My curiosity overtook me in this case.  I had nothing to hide.  I was just a normal boy from London.  In the end, it wasn't bad.

Suddenly he laughed: "My father has already told me everything."
"Leave your father out of the game!" Said Rikki.
>> Why?  He has something to do with it too, but if your mother doesn't tell you, I would advise you to ask her yourself. <<

He kept walking and I didn't know what to do.  >> Wait, tell me. << I called.
Tim turned and had that look of triumph.  He wanted to hear just that.  >> Don't you wonder why we both have our birthdays on April 14th and why I hate you? <<
It's correct.  It was funny that we both had our birthday on the same day.  Our classmates noticed it since the fifth grade.  I never thought about it.  I didn't really care.

Rikki looked at me in amazement: >> What's going on here? <<
I suddenly realized that maybe I shouldn't care.  For years I've wanted to know who my birth father is and it would make a lot of sense if Tim and I were siblings.  The same hair color, eye color and lip shape.  I studied his face to see if there were any more similarities.

>> Are you telling me now that you are my twin brother? <<
>> It's true.  Your mother and my father are surgeons and they worked in the same hospital and they got married.  But shortly after the birth, your mother cheated on my father and that is also the reason why my whole family hates you! <<
My mouth stayed open.  Wow.  >> And if you run to the police, Londonsschoolspy will publish this story, if you lose, the same thing will happen. <<
Tim walked away from us.

We both walked in silence for a minute.  I could not believe it.  I felt guilty, clearly guilty.  I wanted to go to his father right now and clear everything up with him.  But I could hardly remember what he looked like.  I felt angry with my mum.  She should have told me.  I didn't even know how to look at her without thinking about it.

>> Sam Baxter.  His name is Sam Baxter. << Rikki said suddenly.  >> How do you know that? << I asked.
>> In fifth grade.  Do you still remember the Christmas party?  With everyone from this year.  My father spoke to him. <<

Flashback December 2014:

Mum and I wanted to go into the building and I saw my new friends Mandy and Mick.  I waved to them and they came to me.  "Hello!" Mum greeted the two of them.  Together we entered the building and I saw Rikki.  We used to be friends, but not anymore.  I remembered her father well and he was talking to someone else.  He left and the other father looked at my mum with a smile, which made her a bit nervous: >> Hey, Tom, you are coming home with me now. <<
>> But you drove me here especially.  I want to play catch with Mick and Mandy. <<
>> Okay, but you have a cell phone with you.  Call me right away if anything happens.  I'm going home now. <<
>> But you wanted to stay here and get to know the other parents. <<
>> Ciao. <<, said my mum and ran.

Flashback end

I didn't think much of it when she said that, but maybe she wanted to avoid him.  Myself, Mick and Mandy were bullied for a while a year later and my mum seemed more happy than concerned and took no action.  She wanted me to change schools right away, but I didn't want to.

Maybe my mum was scared of him.  No, no, that's bullshit.  The father of my archenemy and she?  That didn't fit.
>> Tom?  What's going on? << she asked.
>> The one your father spoke to was Tim's father? <<
Rikki nodded: >> Yes, why? <<
>> I think there was something between them.  But what exactly? <<

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