Chapter 50

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~~~~Two months later

Armino walked slowly, calmly, as he carried Mirabella through the Frontier. She had barely spoken a word to Gianni since their hostile encounter, and neither sibling made any move to remedy that.

Her loyalty had been questioned before, she was not new to such accusations, but to hear her own brother doubt her? Mirabella let out a sigh, releasing the reins and leaning forward to lie on Armino's neck.

"You won't leave my side, right?" she murmured, running her fingers through the horse's mane. Armino let out a huff, shaking his head, which made Mirabella laugh gently. 

The horse suddenly stiffened, his tail swishing as he came to a stop. Mirabella quickly sat up, one hand on her gun as she scanned her surroundings. 

At first, she didn't hear or see anything, but Armino had not let down his guard, and his front hooves pawed at the ground.

The sound of approaching steps sounded behind her, and the horse quickly whipped around and reared. "Whoa!" Mirabella patted her horse neck, calming him down as she faced the newcomer.

He was sat on a smaller, brown stallion, and he held his arm up in a futile attempt to shield himself from the panicked Shire, but she recognized him. 

"What are you doing here?" Mirabella hissed. Haytham looked up at her sheepishly, his pale eyes wide. "Were you following me?" she demanded, her hand still on her gun. 

"No! No...I assure you, I did not know you were out here," he said, straightening out. "Just merely taking a casual ride through the forest."

Mirabella glared down at him for a few long moments before turning back on her path and trotting off. As she expected, Haytham appeared at her side, but he kept his head forward as he rode next to her.

The two remained silent, neither of them looking at the other as they traveled. "All is well?" Haytham asked softly. Mirabella hesitated for a second. "All is well," she echoed, still not sparing him a glance. 

He let out a hum, falling silent for a few seconds. "And...the boy?" Mirabella tensed and her jaw was clenched. "The boy is not your concern," she hissed sharply. 

Haytham was taken aback by her harsh tone, but curiosity made him press on. "Is he...the"

His stuttering was uncontrollable, and he winced when she snickered at him. "What, is he our son? Oh no, I would have known that years ago," she told him. I'll ignore how relieved she sounds....

"No, he is not my son, but I have raised and trained him myself for years. He is the son I wish I had...." she replied, whispering the last part to herself. 

Haytham glanced up at her briefly, seeing the distant look in her eye, but he didn't speak. He lowered his head and closed his eyes, thinking over his words. 

" have been thinking a lot about you, Mira," he whispered. Mirabella stiffened at his words, eyeing Haytham out of the corner of her eye.

"Have you now?" He pulled back on the reins, stopping his horse, and she glanced over at him. "Yes, I have," he admitted boldly. It is now or never. "You have been the only person on my mind throughout all these years. All I've ever wanted was to be with you, to see you again and apologize. I...I never wanted to hurt you, I never wanted you to leave me, I...."

Haytham faltered for a second, looking her in the eye. "I loved you, Mira...I still love you. I'm sorry for...everything I've caused, all I ever wanted was to pursue something with you, despite our loyalties."

Mirabella sat there in silence, intently listening to Haytham's plea. His eyes were wide and bright, but also glassy and full of emotion. 

She saw him tense as she stepped down from her horse. Quickly he followed, and she lowered her hood as she approached him.

Being this close to Haytham after so long, she felt her past feelings resurface, and her breath hitched. "I should kill you...right now," she whispered, clenching her jaw. 

Haytham pursed his lips, his eyes scanning over her face slowly. He reached out with one tentative hand, and he gently took her wrist. 

Mirabella watched silently as he brought her hand up, and her eyes widened when he angled her Hidden Blade at his throat.

"Then do it."

The two of them held each other's intense gaze for what felt like an eternity, with her Blade at his throat. She glanced at the weapon she brandished on her wrist, and the image of plunging it into his throat made her flinch.

All of her brothers and sisters in the Creed, they would finally see that she was a worthy Mentor. All it took was one swift movement - a flick of her wrist - and their goal would be within reach.

I could help the entire Colonial Brotherhood, right here...right now....

Her body acted without command, and it moved on its own, her instinct guiding her. She ripped her wrist out of his hand, making him jump in fright. 

Mirabella grabbed Haytham by the collar of his jacket and pulled him into her. The two collided in a passionate kiss, and she felt his arms wrap tightly around her waist. 

Haytham's lips were demanding and desperate, drifting from her lips and making their way down her neck, which elicited a sigh from her.

I can't do it...forgive me, Gianni...

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