Chapter 59

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~~~~ 1776

"Another year has passed since the death of Pitcairn, and I have not felt a single ounce of regret. When Connor and I had returned to the den, we celebrated our victory - as well as honoured the memory of Domenico and Roberto. Claudio had expressed his desire to kill Pitcairn himself, but he was relieved nonetheless. Now, Connor had insisted on leading the search for Washington's soon-to-be killers. It seems he has zoned in on Thomas Hickey, and I must admit I have had mixed feelings. Even I could see he was not interested in the Templars' work - I feel pity for Thomas, now that he is Connor's next target. I've also cut down on my meetings with Haytham. The rage I felt after killing Pitcairn drove me away from the Grand Master. I'm not sure if he noticed my behavioural changes, but he has expressed his dissatisfaction on our dwindling meetings. I don't plan on remedying that - Johnson started on this path innocently, but Pitcairn made the intentions clear. The Templars mean war, and while I've befriended one of them, I will not let that stand in my way."


"How fares the hunt, fratelli?" Mirabella and Connor turned at the sound of Gianni's voice, and he entered the training room with a polite wave. 

"There is progress, but I worry it is not enough," Connor replied, gazing over the portraits. "All progress is good, figlio, no matter how slight," Mirabella said softly. 

Gianni patted Connor's shoulder, standing next to the boy. "You must strike where you're needed most. What if you pursued Charles Lee and your father - what then of Paul Revere? And the soldiers at Lexington?"

Before Mirabella could speak, Connor's anger had flared up. "Soldiers? There were no soldiers in those towns, only men and women who were forced to defend themselves," he spat. 

Mirabella nodded sadly. "There were too many casualties that day - people who should not have been fighting," she admitted.

Gianni looked at them both. "Is this not why we fight? To protect your people? Our struggles are the colonist's struggle. In helping one, we help the other," he told them sternly.

He turned and left, but surprisingly Connor stormed after him. "Encouraging words from one who once spoke the opposite to me!" he hissed. 

Mirabella gasped, hurrying after them. "Connor!" she scolded, falling in step with him. Gianni let out a dry laugh. 

"Make no mistake - you are still naïve and driven by your emotions. But Mirabella is proud of you, so I can't help but feel some pride in your success myself," he said in almost a taunting tone.

"Gianni!" Mirabella gasped, shocked. "And why should I give you any credit?" She then let out a baffled cry, completely astonished at the men's sudden behaviour.

Gianni scoffed, turning to glare at the boy. "Then don't. But first, return the robes, and the blades, and all of the years of training and knowledge Mirabella and I have bestowed upon you. Return these and then your words may have some merit."

What has gotten into them?! Connor moved past Mirabella angrily, chasing after Gianni. "Dio aiutami...." she muttered to herself, then quickly followed. 

"Or you could just admit that you were wrong!" she heard Connor yell. Gianni scoffed again. "Oh please, ragazzo, you've killed two men - one more salesman than soldier. You're going to have to try a lot harder to impress me," he spat, heading towards the Common Room.

Mirabella felt her own hostility bubble up at her brother's smugness. "And what does that mean, Gianni?" she hissed, following closely. 

"Is that so? Perhaps we should step outside? I will gladly demonstrate how easily I could trounce y- " The two angry Assassins stumbled to a halt when they saw Gianni with a newcomer in the Common Room. 

Fantastico.... "Mira, you remember Ser Benjamin Tallmadge?" he said politely with a smile. Mirabella sent the man a lopsided smile before face palming in embarrassment.

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