Chapter 67

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~~~~ One month later

Mirabella and Connor walked into the familiar New York market, but Haytham was nowhere to be seen. "Unreliable and late...." Mirabella muttered, shaking her head. 

"Evening, Connor, Mirabella." And why did he feel the need to hide? "I see you made it here in one piece," he commented with a mischievous smile. 

Mirabella rolled her eyes. "No thanks to you," she mumbled to herself. "Recovered from your beating, then?" Connor sneered, just as smug.

That made Haytham grimace, earning a quiet snicker from Mirabella, but he quickly shook it off. "Benjamin Church is holed up in an abandoned brewery on the waterfront. We should be done with this by sunrise," he explained to them.

"Good, I would like to have those supplies returned as soon as possible," Connor stated. "I cannot wait to give that bastardo what he deserves," Mirabella hissed, cracking her knuckles.

Haytham discretely chuckled at her comment, but then addressed Connor. "I wouldn't want to keep you from your lost cause," he jabbed. 

If this is the kind of bickering I need to deal with, I may just kill them both.


"Getting tired in our old age, messere?" Mirabella teased lightly. Haytham pulled himself onto the roof of a church, huffing lightly. 

"Less of the 'old', dear," he muttered. Her heart fluttered at Haytham's pet name, and Mirabella turned away sharply.

Connor appeared after his father, curiosity dawning his expression. "Tell me something," he began confidently, "You could have killed me when we first met - what stayed your hand?"

Haytham hummed, glancing over his shoulder. "I would like to avoid angering your Mentor, primarily," he replied honestly, then added, "But curiosity, really. Any other questions?"

Mirabella sent Haytham a surprised look. "At least you know your place," she jeered. Haytham looked back, sending her a light glare. 

"What is it the Templars truly seek?" Connor suddenly asked, cutting in. Mirabella blinked in surprise at the boy's bluntness. 

"Cosa stai facendo? (What are you doing?)" she hissed, but Connor ignored her. Haytham turned to face the Assassins, anticipation shining in his eyes.

"Order. Purpose. Direction. No more than that. It's your lot that means to confound with this nonsense talk of freedom. Time was, the Assassins professed a far more sensible goal, that of peace," he told them, taking a few steps closer.

Mirabella held her tongue, eyeing Haytham critically. "Freedom IS peace," Connor protested. Haytham had a look of disappointment on his face, his gaze flashing to Mirabella.

"Oh, no - what has she filled your head with? It's an invitation to chaos - only look at this little revolution your friends have started. I have stood before the Continental Congress and listened to them stamp and shout, all in the name of liberty. But it is just noise."

I never really took part in the affairs of the Sons of Liberty...if they're all like Paul Revere, then I can only imagine the noise. "And this is why you favoured Lee?" Connor hissed bitterly.

"HE understands the needs of this would-be nation FAR better than the jobbernowls who profess to represent it!" Haytham spat. 

He seemed confident now, lecturing his son, but Mirabella was not blind. She was trained to see everything, to take note of every detail - there was still the slight hesitation in Haytham's eyes as he spoke of his Order. 

"It seems your tongue has tasted sour grapes. The people have made their choice - and it was Washington." Finally the former Mentor spoke, her tone laced with annoyance. 

"We do not have all night, how long will this go on for?" Mirabella snapped, looking between both men. "Until he realizes that the people chose nothing. It was done by a group of privileged cowards seeking only to enrich themselves."

Haytham approached, getting in his son's face, and Mirabella tensed. "They convened in private and made a decision that would benefit THEM! Oh, they might have dressed it up with pretty words, but that does not make it true. The only difference, Connor - the ONLY difference between myself and those you aid - is that I do not feign affection!"

Haytham's gaze shifted to Mirabella at his last statement, but it was brief. In a huff, Connor turned and climbed up and over the steeple, quickly disappearing. 

Mirabella looked back at Haytham to find him still staring at her. "After all these years, you're still confused as ever about your loyalty," she commented bluntly. 

Haytham pursed his lips as he thought. "Not as much anymore, is still a thought," he confessed. Mirabella shook her head with a soft sigh.

"Then it is best you do something about it rather than continue to deny it. Not just for your sake, but for your son's, as well." She turned to follow after Connor, but froze when Haytham spoke again.

"At least I have come to terms and accepted the feelings and thoughts I harbour - it is you who refuses to do the same."

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