Chapter 65

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"I cannot begin to express my joy at the thought of taking down Benjamin Church next." Connor laughed lightly from his own horse, and he glanced up at her. "Why is that?" he asked.

Mirabella groaned, rolling her eyes. "He was trouble since he was first recruited. He caused your father a great deal of annoyance by constantly quarreling with me," she recounted.

Mirabella giggled to herself, shaking her head. "I would not be surprised if we were praised for taking out Church," she joked lightly. 

Connor laughed quietly again, stretching his arms high with a groan. "Perhaps I should let you do the honours when we find him."

Mirabella merely smiled, glancing up as they approached the abandoned church. "Come, ragazzo," she urged, stepping down from Armino. 

She let Connor take the lead as they cautiously entered the church. Mirabella was almost fooled by the peaceful silence, and she looked up to see the shadow among the rafters. 

"Connor!" She shoved the boy aside just as the shadow lunged, and she was tackled to the ground. "Mirabella."

She stared into the eyes of Haytham, and he did well to mask his emotions. "Any last words?" At that she scoffed, smirking smugly. "Like you could actually kill me," Mirabella taunted.

"A poor choice." She quickly shoved him off her, kicking him in the chest to send him back. Mirabella quickly leapt to her feet, and the three of them slowly circled each other.

"Come to check up on Church? Make sure he'd stolen enough for your British brothers?" Connor sneered angrily. "Benjamin Church is no brother of mine. No more than the redcoats and their idiot king," Haytham scoffed. 

"Why you recruited him, I will truly never know," Mirabella jabbed smugly. Haytham sighed with a shake of his head. "I expected naivete, but this?" he scolded, addressing Connor. 

"The Templars do not fight for the Crown. We seek the same as you - freedom, justice, independence!" he added in annoyance.

"But...Johnson, Pitcairn, Hickey. They sought to steal land, to sack towns - to murder George Washington!" Connor protested angrily. I can now see the resemblance.

"Johnson sought to own the land, that we might keep it safe. Pitcairn aimed to encourage diplomacy - which you two cocked up THOROUGHLY enough to start a goddamn war! And Hickey...George Washington is a wretched leader. He's lost nearly every battle in which he's taken part - the man's wracked with uncertainty and insecurity! Only look at Valley Forge to know my words are true - we're all better off without him."

Mirabella shared a conflicted glance with Connor, earning a sigh from Haytham. "Look, as much as I'd love to spar with the two of you - " 

He was cut off. "You would easily lose." Haytham casted Mirabella an unimpressed look before continuing.

"Benjamin Church's mouth is as big as his ego. You clearly want the supplies he's stolen - I want him punished. Our interests are aligned." 

Mirabella stiffened at his words, and Connor raised his chin. "What do you propose?" he asked slowly. Haytham sighed, looking between both Assassins as he clasped his hands behind his back. 

"A truce. Perhaps...perhaps some time together might do us good. You are MY son after all, and might still be saved from your ignorance."

Mirabella gritted her teeth at Haytham's smug smirk, and he unsheathed his Blade. "I can kill you both now, if you'd prefer?" She took a step forward, half shielding Connor. 

"I would very much like to see you try," she challenged. The two of them held each other's glares evenly, still circling slowly around the room. 

"That will not be necessary," Connor spoke up, placing his hand on Mirabella's shoulder. Haytham smiled victoriously, retracting his Blade. 

"Excellent! Shall we be off?" he announced, then turned to leave. "Do you even know where Benjamin Church has gone, pazzo?" Mirabella called. 

Connor snickered quietly, nudging her as Haytham stopped and sighed in annoyance. "I'm afraid not. I'd hoped to ambush him when he or one of his men returned here. It seems I'm too late, they've come and cleared the place out," he said, glancing around. 

Mirabella scoffed, walking out with Connor. "We can track him - don't get in our way."

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