Chapter 66

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"You trained him well." Mirabella sighed when Haytham spoke to her, but she kept her gaze on Connor. "The boy had plenty of skill when he first came to us, I merely aided him" she said dismissively.

"And the aid you provided transformed him into someone of value." Mirabella glanced over at Haytham, pursing her lips when she saw the sincerity in his eyes. 

She turned away, slowing as Connor analyzed the trail. "He is of humble heart, but has an attitude that he got from you," she said, eyeing the Templar.

Haytham was watching her intently, and she looked back to Connor as he moved forward. "I've seen a lot of you in him over the years, as well as his mother. I...would never try to replace her memory, but Connor has become like a son to me, and I cared for him like one," she said softly.

It was silent for a few long moments as Connor approached a man next to a crashed cart. As soon as the man noticed their presence, he took off in a frenzy through the trees. 

"Run, ragazzo!" Mirabella yelled, and the boy quickly gave chase. Once he disappeared, she was suddenly pulled into Haytham, and his arms wrapped around her waist. 

Mirabella jumped in surprise as he held her tightly, resting his head on her shoulder. Reluctantly she returned his hug, which made him sigh in content.

"Thank you for raising him...." he whispered, then he let her go.


"You're painfully oblivious to your surroundings," Mirabella hissed. "As if I knew there would have been an ambush!" Haytham snapped back. 

"Had you not been distracted with hiding the body, I could have - !" She yelled when one of her captors punched her in the gut, and she stumbled.

"Quiet!" he spat at her. Mirabella was then shoved forward as they entered the small camp. "This is entirely your fault," she hissed, clenching her jaw. 

She and Haytham were then shoved to the ground next to each other. "Look what we found!" one captor sneered, adding, "They was creepin' round, all suspicious-like - must be Yank spies!"

This would have been so much easier if it were just Connor and I. "She might be, but he's something else - something special. Isn't that right, Haytham?" the camp leader snickered, getting in Haytham's face.

"Church told me ALL about you." Mirabella looked around the camp, spotting movement in the bushes, and she smiled to herself. 

She suddenly jumped when Haytham was punched in the face. "You're not really in a position to be makin' threats, are ya?" the leader hissed.

The bushes rustled again, this time catching both Haytham's and Mirabella's attention. Connor slowly walked out of hiding, eyeing the camp leader and unsheathing his Blade.

"Not yet." Connor immediately exploded from the bushes, and Mirabella tackled one guard to the ground. A second one grabbed and dragged her off, but she flipped around and stabbed the guard in the throat.

"Once you two have dealt with these louts, meet me in New York!" Haytham called over the commotion. "What?!" Mirabella yelled, while Connor said, "You mean to just leave?! Now?!"

She spotted Haytham backing away from the fight; "If you can't handle a couple of mercenaries, then we've really no business working together!" Haytham taunted, then raced off.


"Ma impossibile!"

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